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Cassie's POV:

3-4 years ago.

I got along with the boys so well, they were just like family to me but one day just changed it all. Me and the boys were sat around a table in North and Luke's house playing blackjack when Mr Blackbourne walked in saying that he had to talk to me about something I'd known the boys for a while now so they seemed quite relaxed about it but something about the way Mr Blackboure was stood made my stomach twist into knots. When we were outside the room he turned to me and said "Miss Johnson" (that's my last name) "you need to leave." Of course my reaction to this was "What! Why?!" So he stood there with his face void of emotion as usual and said "The boys have an assignment coming up and they cannot be side tracked by you while they are there. So again you need to leave. It'd be best if you just left now and then I'll just tell the boys your gone when they ask."

I couldn't believe it. He was basically asking me to leave my family behind just because he didn't think they could fully focus while I was there I mean I've known them for a while but there's nothing special really about me. I have strawberry blonde hair, green eyes and an average build so nothing special so why was he asking me to leave? Well the only problem is I knew I didn't have a choice in this so I left. However I will come back, one day, I just hope they don't forget me...

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