Chapter 1

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The boys POV:

Present time

The boys and sang were round at Kota's because they were having another sleepover but this time they were inviting Mr Blackbourne and Dr. Green to join them. "You'd better not come anywhere near me with that nail polish Gabriel because if you do I'll kick your ass to the moon and back!" North grumbled as they were setting everything out.

*Knock Knock*

"That must be Mr Blackbourne and Dr. Green!" Sang exclaimed. Luke and Kota went to get to the door while the rest of the boys and Sang lounged in the living room. After a couple of minutes all the boys were wondering what was taking Luke and Kota so long. Just as Nathan was going to check they heard the front door slam and the sound of only three pairs of feet thundering to the living room.

"You will wait out here while we tell them we've got a... Visitor." They heard Kota whisper furiously from just outside of the room with such shock and anger in his voice it shocked everyone in the room. With that Luke and Kota came stomping into the living room with big down turned frowns.

"What the hell happened?!" Victor said trying to keep his voice calm.

"Well we've got an unexpected visitor that's insisting on speaking to all of us." Luke said not masking how shaken he was feeling.

"Who is it then?" Gabriel said exasperated.

"See for yourself.." Kota trailed off.

Sangs POV:

What is going on? I thought that it was Mr Blackbourne and Dr. Green but Luke and Kota are saying we have a visitor. Who could it be? As my thoughts trailed off a beautiful strawberry blonde haired girl came into the room looking a bit sheepish. I don't know her but as I look round at the boys their faces are masks of anger and pain as they stare at her. Slowly they all stand up so I join them wanting to say something but not want to ruin their moment. Just as the silence gets too much to bare there's a quiet but emotional whisper from somewhere in the room


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