Chapter 3

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What a beautiful name.

"What brings you to California?" I ask curious.

"England got boring." He states blatantly.


"I guess that makes sense.." Way to be awkward Renayah.

"What about you? I know you're not from here, you looked like a lost puppy back there." He laughs.

"Yeah um I actually just moved here with my friends yesterday believe it or not."

"Well that explains it."

And here I am talking to the same stranger who seen me in my room across the window. The same stranger who gives me weird vibes. Wonderful.

"So... interested in any specific job?" He asks looking down as he walks.

Am I?

Of course..

"Yes I want to be an actress." I say proudly.

He laughs.

Oh? That was rude.

"Why are you laughing?" I ask offended.

"No no, I wasnt laughing at you like that, just the way you said it. It was... adorable."

I didnt know you laughed when someones being "adorable."

I stay silent and he catches on.

"I'm sorry, an actress though huh? Thats wonderful."

I smile. "Thanks, but for now just to make money I think i'm going to fill out applications for daycares, I love children."

Why am I telling this guy my whole life. 

I quickly switch the roles.

"But less about me and more about you. What do you do?" I turn my face to his.

"Painter. I paint." He looks down again.

"Thats cool." I smile bubbily so we don't encounter awkwardness again.

He nods and we continue strolling back to our apartments.

We arrive and he fully faces me.

"Well it was nice getting to know you." He says rocking back and forth on his heels.

"You too." I smile and walk back into my apartment.

Well that was interesting.. 

I'm definitely over my encounter with the post office guy this morning.

I open the door and my eyes go wide.

"Oh my gosh, you guys scared me!" I say referring to Shay and Claire on a high step stools painting the walls.

"Nice color right?" Claire asks proud of the color she picked out.

"Yeah, I love the way the warm orange color looks for the living room."

I quickly change into sweatpants and a ugly worn out T-shirt so I can help them paint the walls.

About an hour later the walls are painted and we all go our seprate ways to get the house done.

I work on the bathrooms putting cute rugs in and changing the shower curtains.

Shay works on the living room setting up our TV, and other electronical things in that matter.

And Claire works on the kitchen putting new dish wear away and putting fresh food in the fridge.

When we finally finish everything we call the furniture place and have them put in the couch, love seat, kitchen table and chairs etc.

By 9 o'clock the house is completly done, minus our rooms.

"FINALLY!" I yell letting out a huff while plopping on the couch.

I already feel at home here.

I'm tempted to call my parents back home and let them know we are doing okay and that the house is almost finished but then I start to realize it's 1 o'clock in the morning over there.

I'll call tomorrow.

"Movie night anyone?" Shay asks with a bowl full of popcorn.

"Im in!" Claire jumps on the couch.

I yawn. "You two have fun, Im going to sleep. I'm exhausted and have a busy day tomorrow filling out applications." I explain getting up.

They both give me a kiss on the cheek and say goodnight.

I get into my room and spot the window I first seen Harry in. I'm so tempted to open it and look again but decide against it. The last thing I need is for him to think im stalking him or something.

I laugh at my thought and climb into bed and close my eyes.

Harry clouding my thoughts once again.

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