8: Sucker

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Owen's POV

When I told the boys I was happy to have Always & Forever as a part of our agency, I meant it. They will be a fantastic addition to our repertoire and will bring in several sales. Though I wasn't completely honest.

That band wouldn't be where it is today if it wasn't for one Ms. Sang Sorenson. It wasn't just her voice that caught my attention that night at the karaoke bar. There was a magnetism to her that drew you in and you couldn't help but take notice. My eyes had been riveted to her before she had even taken stage.

My reasoning for being at the bar wasn't for talent. Far from it actually. It was a rare night for me to have time off and I just wanted to get away for awhile. Decompress. That type of establishment wouldn't have been my first choice to spend my evening in, but I found myself drawn to it. Finding Ms. Sorenson was just icing on top of the cake.

I'd been sitting in a secluded booth in the back, drawn into the shadows where no one could recognize me or approach me unaware. Ms. Sorenson, Sang as she frequently requests I call her, had been sitting a few seats down. I'd spotted her when she got up earlier in the night to fetch drinks for her and her companions. From that moment on, my eyes were only on her. I never had any intention of making my fascination known toward her, content to watch her with her friends. My life was too hectic to afford a relationship. On the road far too much. Trying to be in control of too many people. I was spread thin and someone like her deserved a person who would dote on her hand and foot. While I had momentarily fantasized about having such a position, it could never be.

Yet, when she got up on stage and sang, I knew. I just knew I needed to sign her with my company. Yes, we needed a new band to go on tour, but we had several to choose from already within the agency. However, they wouldn't do. Sang needed to be the one. I'll admit it was for selfish reasons at first, but the more I got to know her, listen to her voice, I knew I made the right choice. The world needed to hear what she had to say. Her lyrics were so emotional, so heartfelt, that fans would throw themselves at her to hear more. There was never a doubt in my mind that this was the right decision.

Listening to her now, with my brothers surrounding me, that same feeling of rightness settled over me. With each note she poured her soul into, I feel further and further under her spell. I could see the others doing the same as well. Even Nocturnal Sacrifice had come out of their dressing room to hear the newest band of the tour belt out their songs. Though I spotted Blake hanging in the background, an indescribable look upon his face. It reminded me of the issue Ms. Sorenson had brought to my attention. One I haven't been able to investigate.

Mr. Toma was the leading agent on Nocturnal Sacrifice. While I valued him as a loyal employee, he was also meant to be loyal to his band. That meant questioning Mr. Coaltar, along with Mr. Toma in extension, would be difficult. I didn't want to believe the company had signed a man who would stoop to such a level, especially from someone as sweet and innocent as Ms. Sorenson, but she wasn't someone I could see lying about such a thing either. It complicated matters.

Luckily, she had songs he had no idea about. Songs that she has recorded with her band and has made a killing on with sells. Yet, I'm curious about the ones that she wrote privately. Ones that she wasn't willing to share with those she considered her family. The song she had referred to that Nocturnal Sacrifice produced was an interesting piece, but it had me wondering what the original arrangement had been from her point of view. How was it meant to sound.

The first song comes to an end. An emotional piece that Ms. Sorenson chose to play the violin along with. The haunting melody and feeling she put into the arrangement had goosebumps rising upon my flesh. The boys are stunned speechless, except for Mr. Coleman.

"That's my Trouble. Fucking unbelievable. She is so fucking talented. I just knew she would do well. And doesn't she look delicious out there?"

No one answers him at first, unable to fully comprehend exactly what it is they just witnessed on that stage.

"Gentlemen, if you would please," I motion for them to make their way back to the dressing room, nodding my head to Nocturnal Sacrifice group members as well. "You all need to be preparing for your own slots on stage. There is much to do besides loitering around backstage."

"Come on, Mr. B. We've done this before," Mr. Taylor Sr. pouts. "Can't we stay for a few more pieces? I want to see what their range is like."

I contemplate what he is asking. It wouldn't hurt, but I don't want Ms. Sorenson to be overwhelmed when they come off stage.

"Alright then, just promise you won't overwhelm them when they come off stage. This is a big night for them and they deserve to bask in it. Not be bombarded by you lot the minute they come off stage. You will need to disperse a few songs prior to their hour ending. Head to your dressing rooms and prepare for your own sets. That goes for my group as well as you Nocturnal Sacrifice. Do I make myself clear?"

The men around me nod their acceptance and turn their focus back to the magnificent creature thanking the crowd after finishing singing her first song. My gaze looks at these men, taking in their rapt attention to her and realizing that this tour just got far more complicated than I ever thought before.

I'd given up any notion of having a romantic relationship with Ms. Sorenson when I signed her to Morgan Music. The idea of the others feeling the same way hadn't crossed my mind, but now I realize it should have. I don't think I have to worry about Mr. Coaltar, not with the bad blood between them, but the other thirteen of them...?

Yes, this tour just added more tension to it than ever before. 

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