Celestia finds an old foe.

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On the day after luna's first Appearance for Nightmare Night Celestia finds Luna crying in her room. "What is wrong sister?" Celestia asked Luna. "Nothing," lied Luna "I simply am releasing a thousand years of being lonely." "Why not release it with a friend." Celestia suggested. "I shall call twilight to comfort you." Said Celestia in a questioning tone, as if asking if Luna would like that. Luna then realized this questioning and thought "perhaps I can enjoy this more." "I-I would like that.
~five minutes later~
"I am sorry sister but twilight is busy helping to repair more damage Discord had caused earlier. Maybe I could comfort you?" Celestia offered. "It is fine." Lied Luna, "I will be just fine." Celestia realizing just how they both felt those thousand years alone were not so different after all. "Come sister we will sleep together. And will share stories we have from the time you had returned to equestria to now." Celestia said giving a hint to Luna it was a demand.
~ten minutes later~
"While you were keeping watch twilight had figured out that queen chrysalis had taken cadences place to feed her subjects." Celestia said seriously. "But we had no clue she was right." Celestia and Luna laughed in unison to that finishing line. Luna wiped a tear away wither hoof. " Come sister let us sleep." Luna said patting the bed with her hoof. Celestia looked at Luna who at that moment flickered between Nightmare Moon and Luna in an instant. Celestia backed away nervously before regaining her bearings. "Luna do you feel alright?" Celestia questioned. "As healthy as ever." Replied Luna with a questioning glare. "Nothing, nevermind." Celestia said nervously.
~while Celestia sleeps~
Luna gets out of bed and releases the nightmare for a moment to relax herself. Celestia awoke to find Nightmare Moon for a minute then it reverted to Luna. Celestia it up and asked "luna what is this?" "N-n-nothing just... Oh hay, honestly I am being haunted by the nightmare it craves you sister." They let's have it." Celestia remarked bravely. Luna concentrated and the nightmare emerged with its marehood replaced with a large member. "Oh dear." Replied Celestia suprised. "All I wanted was your love Celestia I wanted you but you refused me now you can't. I have you pinned." Nightmare Moon exclaimed as she used a spell to hold Celestia down. "And now we will both be satisfied." Said Nightmare Moon. The nightmare's member became erect before Celestia surprising her with its length.
End of chapter one.

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