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I haven't watched Voltron in a long time so uhhhhh..... don't judge how different this book is gonna be compared to the actual show.
Ever since Blue picked Lance as her paladin, Lance was even more fascinated with space. He's always wanted to be able to see the stars from up close. To travel and visit different planets. If possible, which he found impossible at first, to be able to visit different galaxies. Lance enjoyed the water just as much, but he was also strangely fascinated by the dark, which is where he found his love for space. Lance always wondered why people were afraid of the dark, the dark was wonderful. Lance always felt safe in dark places, if he couldn't see anything around him, why did he have to be afraid?

Lance never spoke aloud about his passion for space, nor did he express his love for the dark. He didn't express his love for the water either, but since he was a Cuban boy, people kind of just assumed he did, and they weren't wrong.

Short introduction 👌🏻

The Purple PaladinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora