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Hello, uhm, that's all.
*{Lance's POV}*

I was in Blue's hangar doing some bonding exercises. You see, lately it seems that Blue has been distancing herself from me, don't ask, I don't have the answer. In all honesty, it's worrying me, what if she doesn't find me worthy enough anymore? Have I failed her? I don't understand Blue anymore. What if they end up replacing me because Blue wont responding to me!

I keep trying to bond with Blue, but all my thoughts are preventing me to do so. It's frustrating to say the least. It's like she doesn't want me to be her paladin anymore... or is that what this really is? I sigh and walk out of Blue's hanger, worried for me and Blue's bond. Everyone else has a pretty strong bond with their lion, Shiro having the best bond with his lion. Yet, here I am, struggling to communicate with Blue. A purr would've been nice, but I got nothing from doing that bonding exercise.

"Everyone, please meet at the control room, we need to go over the plan." I could hear Allura's voice from the intercom.

'Oh, that's right, we're supposed to come up with a plan to save Pidge's brother, Matt.' I think to myself. Pidge, and sometimes when she's in a good mood and lets me- Katie, is like a younger sister to me. I remember all the nights when she'd have nightmares about the times when we were all still on earth and she'd first heard about her brother's and father's disappearance. She'd come to my room for comfort.

I first found out about her nightmares when I couldn't sleep and needed a glass of water. As I went to get my water, I saw her in the main lounge, sitting, crying. I walked up to her and asked her what was wrong, she didn't tell me at first as she was busy wiping her tears away, but when she was ready, she told me. I was glad she trusted me with this. I told her that I understood how she felt, as I, as most people know, have quite the family. I told her on how I'd do everything for them, and how I lost one of my little sisters to a shooting which happened at her school, it was horrible talking about it, Pidge even had to calm me down, yet I was supposed to be the one comforting her. We both greatly appreciated each other after that, she'd even come to my room every time she had a nightmare to talk about it. It was, and still is tiring, but as long as she's happy, I'm happy.

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