1. Sisters rules

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Mukuros POV

"Mukuro get you lazy ass over here!"

"Did you need something Junko?"

"Ya, go finish preparing for the killing game I'm busy or whatever"

I sighed, I really wished Junko cared about me more. Shes very bossy but I still love her.

I walked around the school making sure the principals office was locked and checked a few other things.

Once everything was good I headed back to Junko.

"Junko I finished"

"Ok, now you should get some sleep tomorrow were starting the killing game and you had better be a good actor!"

She gave me a wink and then ran off somewhere.

Atleast I could get some rest I've been secretly wanting to make some friends while I'm at this school but that's not a choice.

I layed down in my bed and soon drifted off into sleep.

*door slams open*

"Wake up!"

I shot up surprised.

"Go wash your face we don't have long untill people wake up and I need to fix your stupid face"

I quickly did as Junko said then followed her into her room.

"Okay sis put on this makeup and I'll go get your wig"

"Yes Junko"

I picked up her lipgloss and put some on my lips, I wasn't a big fan of makeup but I need to get use to wearing it.

Next was fake lashes, I opened a little box and pulled one out. They were a bit long for me.

I then spread some glue on them and stuck them to my eyelids. Once I finished the rest of my makeup I waited for sister.

"Ok Mukuro I'll do your hair to make sure it looks good, and by the way you suck at makeup idiot"

I ignored her comment and watched her attach the pink hair extensions to my head. I was jealous I've always wanted to be a hairdresser but I never got the chance.

I don't think Junko would allow me to be a hair dresser anyway.

"Ok it looks pretty accurate now so once you put the outfit on go into the gym and wait for people to arrive. I'll be in my room.


I waited in the gym for people to arrive. Junko had told me people should start waking up in around 15 minutes and I was nervous.

A girl with long blue hair ran into the gym looking confused.

"Um hello I'm sayaka maizono, do you know why we were told to meet in the gym?"

"Oh hi Maizono I got the same note so I have no idea, my name is Junko enoshima by the way!"

I did my best to act like sister.

"So are their more students coming?"

"I have no idea, but I'm sure they will"

"I like your dress!"

"Thanks It was super expensive, and this is stupid why would they make me wait in some stupid gym?!"

"Aw, don't worry Junko I'm sure it will be ok! I'm looking forward to knowing you"

She gave me a warm smile and I almost broke character and blushed. Shes kinda cute I think I want to be friends.


Soon everyone arrived and I met all the students, after Monokuma explained the rules everyone freaked out.

Maizono ran up to me looking really scared.

"J-junko are we gonna d-die here? I'm scared I don't want to die"

I felt bad for her she seemed like a really nice girl.

"Don't worry too much Maizono this stupid fucking bear is probaly messing with us"

She grabbed onto me and hugged me. I blushed really hard but luckily she didn't notice.

"Oh and by the way you can call me Sayaka let's be friends ok Junko?"

"I geuss I can have you as my friend but remember I'm a fashion icon ok Sayaka?"

"Haha ok silly!"

She was really cute how could she be so friendly to me I'm a horrible person. Its probably because I'm acting like Junko and shes amazing.

"Pupupupu! Ok students we are going to go watch motive videos"

We all walled into a room filled with seats and monitors, I had set this up for Junko so I knew this place perfect.

*after the motive videos*

Sayaka started freaking out she screamed and ran out of the room. I watched naegi run after her and try to convince her it would be ok.

I walked up to them to help my friend.

"Hey naegi I'm friends with her do you mind if I talk to her for a minute?"

He looked nervous he was probably intimidated by me. He backed off so I could speak to Sayaka.

"Junko were going to die here!" She was sobbing with a look of pure despair on her face. I felt like I had been stabbed in the heart.

"I'll protect you Sayaka I promise i won't let you die"

"Will you really?"

"Of course your my friend so I'll do what it takes to keep you safe, just calm down please"

She slowly began to stop crying and we went back to normal. Soon the nighttime announcement came on so we all went to our dorms.

Once I went into my room I began to remove the wig and I wiped the makeup off.

I locked my door to make sure no one would find out my true identity.

I decided I need to go to sleep, after becoming friends with Sayaka I really did want to protect her Junko probably thought I was just saying it for show, but it was true.

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