7. Old friends

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I hear voices but all I can see is black. I keep telling myself to get up but a part of me wants to stay this way. It would all be easier this way, I could finally stop running. I almost gave up until I heard his voice. Alexander? I force myself to open my eyes, the black spots clearing only for me to realise I'm in my room. My eyes landed on the source of the voices, there stood Winchester and Ander in a hushed conversation. My head like it was about to shatter, I let out a groan due to the pain. Slowly the events of last night begin to come back to me and I am embarrassed.

"Dahlia?" Ander whispers, walking over to me. He looked worried and it tore my heart out.

"What happened?" I ask, my mind still fuzzy.

"You still don't remember?" Winchester questions, looking a little confused himself. I just shake my head.

"Not really, all I know is to lay off tequila for a while," I joke, rubbing my pounding head as I sit up. The room fills with tension as Anders' worried look is replaced with one of anger.

"I'm going to see what's taking Jackson so long," Winchester says before exiting the room with haste.

Ander runs a hand through his hair, a clear sign of frustration.

"Why are the guys here? No one was meant to know where I was. What part of being a ghost don't you understand?" I almost yell, trying my best to keep my cool before my head decides to just shoot me.

"Really? You don't have the right to be mad at me for that. You passed out last night and with the amount of alcohol you consumed I was worried you overdid it." Ander argues. How could he say that I didn't have a right to be mad, he was the one that called me nothing then he brings his buddies here.

"You're the one that said i was nothing so why didn't you just leave me?" I yell back.

"I didn't mean that," Ander says, his voice now quiet. I think back to last night and begin to remember the guy and what he tried to do. My skin burned at the thought of his hands on me.

"Who was he?" I question thinking back to what the guy had said to me. Ander stays quiet.

"He mentioned you, said it wasn't personal. Who the fuck was he?" I yell.

"Let me worry about that," Ander tries telling me but i don't take that as an answer. Before I could do or say anything the door opened and Winchester walked back in.

"I thought someone was getting murdered," He jokes but I hardly pay attention to him because my eyes are stuck on who was standing behind him. My heart was pretty much in my throat by this point.

"Jax?" My voice is a whisper and I'm still frozen. Ander and Winchester just stand there watching our exchange with confused looks on their faces. Within minutes I'm wrapped in Jaxon's arms, in a warm embrace.

"It's really you?" I choke out.

"Yes, I thought i'd never see you again," He speaks. I step out of the hug to take a look at him, he hasn't changed much besides a few new tattoos and muscles that were never there before. He was still tall but not as lanky anymore. His dirty blonde hair was a mess of curls on top of his head.

"I can see someone found a gym," I joke and he laughs, god i missed that laugh.

"You two know each other?" Ander asks, it's almost like he's jealous and i almost want to laugh.

"Jaxon was that friend I told you about," I tell Ander, his mouth forms an O and I almost laugh at his realisation.

"Why didn't you tell me where you were going? I was looking for you for so long, I thought something happened." Jaxon says, i could tell he was annoyed but i thought i was keeping him safe. I could take him hating me if that meant he was safe.

"I, uh." I stutter trying to find the right words. I was saved by the chime of my phone. I walk over and grab it from my night stand. I had so many messages and missed calls, most of which were from Ander. I shoot him a look before reading through the rest.

Fight tonight at 10. Ryder wants a rematch, are you in? - L

I quickly responded with a yes to Landon. Of course Ryder wanted a rematch but I doubt his ego could take another beating. I freeze as I read the second message.

I'll see you soon baby.

He found me. My phone falls from my hands and hits the ground with a loud bang. I could tell the guys were looking at me, confused by my reaction but i don't care. I feel as though I can't breathe. My whole world is collapsing on me and I can't do anything to stop it. I can hear my name being called but I can't respond. I'm frozen by fear, my breathing heavy and eyes full of tears. I feel arms wrap around me and pull me into their embrace. I look up to find Jaxon looking at me with a worried expression. I lean into the embrace and bury my face in his chest.

"He found me." is all I say and Jaxon knows exactly who i am talking about. He tells the other two to leave the room so it's just us. I sob into his chest as he lowers us to the floor. I become nothing but a puddle of tears and Jaxon just holds me as I let it all out. We stay this way until I calm down. I was so grateful to find my best friend, I felt as though I found a missing part of the puzzle that was meant to be me.

"Talk to me baby girl," Jaxon says, smoothing my hair back down. I just showed him the message still unable to form a sentence due to the panic attack I just had.

"We will figure this out, okay?" Jaxon tries comforting me, afraid I'll just run again.


"I don't know yet. Does anyone know?" He asks.

"Ander, that's it and even then he doesn't know the full story." Jax just nods.

"They can help, you won't have to run anymore just let me talk to them." Jax pleads and I can tell he was so scared of losing me. He was willing to try anything. A part of me wanted to stay and fight but was i willing to let my friends put their life on the line? I knew this was something i would have to face on my own but i wasn't ready and i doubt i ever would be.

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