18. Retaliation

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Mason was fire and I was ice. He messed with the one thing I cared most about in this world and I deserved it, however Dahlia did not. Last night we made a plan after Dahlia pointed out it would be stupid to go in hard and heavy. Now I am staking out the warehouse with Dahlia by my side.

"You okay?" Dahlia asks, breaking the silence.

"Have you checked in with the others?" I reply trying to change the subject.

"Noah and the twins are at their check point, so far they have nothing." She informs me referring to the guys positioned on the other side of the old warehouse. Our plan was to watch and look for entry points, security and any other problems we may encounter if we were to take the gang on in their own territory. Ryder and Jaxon were looking into everyone we know that is a part of the gang and Ronnie is trying to hack into the security system. So far all was going well.

"Are you going to explain what exactly happened between the two of you?" Dahlia pushes.

"No." I replied and cringed at how blunt I was.


"Drop it." I fire back my anger getting the best of me. I was scared that if i told her she would think of me differently or even run again and i can't risk that.

"I'm not going to drop it, Alexander."

"FINE. fuck," I sigh.

"After my mother died I lost my way and fell in the wrong crowd. Mason was one of them and we became close," I begin and Dahlia stays quiet with her eyes glued on the warehouse. She shouldn't be here, she should be resting but this girl was stubborn and refused to lay back and let us deal with things.

"I was constantly high or drunk in hopes of feeling numb. Mason and I started this bet, it was more of a game really. We'd pick a girl for each other and whoever fucked their girl first won. At first it was for money then it just became fun." Dahlia did not say anything but I knew deep down she was judging me over my actions.

"Then came Molly. She was Mason's sister and he warned me to stay away from her but I didn't. I led her on and made her fall for me and for a while I played along. I took her virginity and played her like a fool. She confessed her love for me and I turned her down." As I went on I began to find it hard to breath. I knew what was coming and I knew that Dahlia could not love me after, no one could.

"What happened after?" Dahlia questions, her eyes still locked on the target.

"Molly committed suicide and Mason blamed me. I mean it probably was me and there's not a day that i don't feel guilty. He promised me he would destroy my life and when you came along it was a perfect opportunity for him." I finished. We sit in silence as Dahlia thinks over everything I said.

"I have no words," Is all she says. Before I could say anything else my phone rings.

"Anything?" I ask Ronnie as soon as I pick up.

"Security is tight and there are only two entry points. Going in would be suicide." Ronnie explains and I let out a sigh. Of course it wasn't going to be easy. I hang up and call Blaze to explain before telling him to meet us at the club house. I went to tell Dahlia but she wasn't in her spot. I looked around thinking she left but her bike was still here. I catch a glimpse from the corner of my eye and turn to see Dahlia walking towards the warehouse. I try calling her and on the third go she finally answers.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I yell through the speaker.

"What should've been done a long time ago. Don't follow me or I will shoot you myself." She threatens before hanging up.

Did she have a death wish or was she just stupid. I call the guys and explain but tell them to hold off. If we go storming in she could get hurt and I can't risk that. I had to trust that she knew what she was doing but I doubted that.

I hear a bike pull up and turn to see Noah getting off.


"I took my eyes off her for one second, I didn't think she was going to go strolling in there like an idiot," I explained.

"I swear to god if she gets hurt i am going to kill you myself." Noah threatens reminding me of his sister's words. They were so much alike it was creepy.

"I won't let anything happen to her," I promise.

"You better not."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2020 ⏰

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