Jyles angst cause i can.

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(This is just him doing some self loathing shiz. Also this isn't the one chapter I talk about before that ones gonna be ALOT darker then this-)
     Jyles was just floating around in his portal dimension with 'his' artifacts. He was honestly to lost in thought to care what was going around him. Obviously, he wasn't completely out of it.

     'Why do I cause so many problems for the others..? I mean if you just look at my track record, I'm probably more of an annoyance then anything... Momiji probably just tolerates me... No she confirmed our friendship. But if she's anything like Bryan... That self absorbed little..!
     Though on the other hand you can't really blame him... I did cause him all sorts of problems as well. Maybe it'd be best if I just stayed out of everyone's way... All I've done for the people around me is cause them to have more problems then need be. But cmon if they want an easy life then they can move to Disney.                           
     A/N to be honest that sounds more stressful than anything-) Though they usually already have some big problem going on, then I come along and make everything harder then it needs to be. Maybe I will stay out of their way for a bit... See what happens. I mean when I was in the lamp nobody seemed to give a damn.
     No, I shouldn't do that. I'd worry Momiji and Mario. They seem to care enough to worry and it'd be unnecessary to worry them. I'll just see how this all plays out.

Bryan x Jyles x RiverWhere stories live. Discover now