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An unsaid goodbye hurts the most. I was aware of this fact. I never got the chance to say so many goodbyes. Dadi, Dad, Karan but I never thought you'll be one of them. I never thought you'll leave me like this. I knew the risk and I hoped for the best yet it seems our line was cut short. Our forever breathed the last breath and like always your heart reached me before you.

3 hours prior.

12'O clock

Food court Intervened Defense Head Office, Delhi.

"Vihaan, don't make that face, now. You promised me a treat like ages ago, bro" I rolled my eyes at the expression of my childhood best friend Major Vihaan Shergil.

"I'm not giving you any treat, bro. You cheated, alright" Vihaan grumbled rolling his eyes at my indignant expression.

"I didn't cheat alright, mister. Admit defeat, I won fair and square in the ludo match, " I hissed angrily in his direction.

"Well, excuse me if I don't consider dropping the dice with the number you want as a fair and square win, " He said pompously and I rolled my eyes.

"Jai hind sir, "

"Ma'am, "

The new arrival broke our glaring contest. Flight lieutenant Seerat Kaur looked bemused by both of us.

"Seerat, Major Vihaan was just about to treat us. I'm sure, he will treat you too. Won't you Vi?" I asked Vihaan very sweetly, try and say no now you big bully.

"Were you sir? I'm not imposing, am I?" Seerat asked us bashfully.

"No, absolutely not. Come sit. What'll you have?" Vihaan asked Seerat, glaring daggers at me.

"Iced tea, " Seerat said politely, sitting next to me.

"You?" Vihaan asked me gingerly

"Cold coffee, " I answered sweetly, he left scowling in my direction.

"How's he now Ma'am, " Seerat asked me watching Vihaan walk away.

"Fine, nervous. Karan was more than his brother and best friend. They were almost twins. You never spotted one without the other. Aunty has reached the last stage and it's the last sem of Suhashini's pregnancy too. He is burdened but he'll pull through, I know he'll. He always does, " I said looking down. I've full faith in him. He won't crack. He'll fall but get up again. After all, that's all we know.

"Hmm...How's Suhani?" Seerat asked me.

"She is also fine, concentrating all her energy in becoming the first female general of India, " I smiled.

Suhani might be her Mamu's chamchi but she was her papa's princess too. Rattled and totally broken by his death. She had never thought about the dark side of our world. Valor, Bravery, Pride, and love everything has its cost. A cost of blood that looks tragically beautiful in stories yet the burden of said death was hard to bear. Life stops but time continues moving taking a puzzle piece with it. A puzzle piece our soul declares missing for the rest of our life.

"She's a good kid, " Seerat said fondly and I had to agree, she is a good kid with Karan's mischief, Valor, confidence, and Suhashini's sensibility, kindness, and dignity. But her heart was of both of them. She loved like both of them.

The sudden ringing of my phone ended my thoughts of Suhani. Pulling out my device, frowning for sometimes at the unknown number. I picked up the call after mumbling a soft excuse me to Seerat.

"Squadron Leader Khushi Sood, "

"Speaking, " I said monotonously.

"I'm Major Awasthi, command Hospital Kupawara, I'm very sorry to inform you that Major Anuj Sood had done the ultimate sacrifice. He had received martyrdom while saving civilian hostages and his teammates, "

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