Chapter 32

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"You have my thanks, all of you," the merman Reuben said. His face was almost haggard with gratitude. "Especially you — if you hadn't been on the top of that hill, I don't know what might have become of me." He shuddered. "Except that I do: I would have died suffocating on garbage, and you spared me that."

He sent a special smile Lior's way, and Lior tried to smile back, but it was a battle to muster anything close to a grin in this atmosphere. He was in Commander Titus's tent, and so was the merman himself and several of the generals: Carys, Mattathias, and Jeshuah. Hovering silently in the background were other merfolk that Lior did not recognize — the advisors, perhaps? It made his skin crawl to sit in this circle with them, even with Lady Tirza folded down to one side, and Nightlight in his lap, stiff as a stone. He felt strikingly out of place — what was he doing here?

But he knew — he knew it in the way Titus's eyes flashed to him every once in a while, almost as if to make sure that he was staying put. There was dialogue, but in a minute he would have his turn with the Commander one-on-one. His arms tightened around Nightlight — I've got to get him out of here.

"What were you doing all the way out here?" Lady Tirza asked. "This is quite a ways from the ruins." She tilted her head, then guessed, "The temple. But by yourself?"

Reuben gave her a knowing smile and said, "Yes, Phinebas wasn't able to make the trip this time, so I volunteered to go in his stead. And going alone is best these days... There are a lot more boats about than usual, as you've seen."

Lady Tirza stiffened. "Has Lord Kygriss-Mari—"

"He's fine," Reuben said, waving airily. "More sulky than ever, if you can believe that." His face became sad. "But things have changed since you left, Tirza. With all the surface traffic, we've had to move from the Ruins."

Her face paled. "Surely not. Phinebas wouldn't—"

"Phinebas didn't have a choice. Just as I was almost caught today, Tacitus was almost ensnared by a net four weeks ago. And since you've left, we've had to go to ground half a dozen times thanks to humans diving too close for comfort. Eventually, the high priests elected to relocate entirely, to ensure Lord Kygriss's safety."

Tirza Mari looked down at her hands, pained — behind his small table, Titus leaned forward, his face severe.

"Reuben," he said, "by the sound of things, it would appear that you are in need of our services once more."

Reuben brow crinkled. "I beg your pardon?"

"The boats," General Mattathias said, stacking his hands on his hips. "Could be we could help you and the Clan with that."

"Truly?" Reuben looked from Mattathias, to Titus, to Tirza, and back to Mattathias, who shrugged.

"It's what we do," he said. "And apparently—" He shot Titus a look " — it's why we're here. More or less."

Reuben looked confused, and Lady Tirza said, "The Commander holds a great interest in Lord Kygriss-Mari, and wishes to meet him in person." She peered at Titus as she said, "He's told me that he wishes to consult with us on the ceremony."

The young merman stiffened. "The ceremony? What for?"

Titus abruptly pushed up from his desk. "I shall explain at another time," he said with a commanding finality. "For now, we must make preparations for the day's march, and I'm sure that after being apart for so long, you wish to speak to Lady Tirza. We will reconvene to discuss this matter at dusk. Dismissed." As everyone rose and began moving, his eyes flashed to Lior once more. "Lior, you stay."

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