way of the open hand (part 1 re-estize)

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As every thing faded to black I felt a bit drowsy as I opened my eyes expecting see my room expect I was in a forest laying on the ground under a tree hearing fuana and insects buzzing around.

( did they move back the shutdown time or is it just lagging because of the large number of players online?).

I sit from my lyeing position feeling breeze on my skin,the sun shining in my eyes, the grass underneath me and smell of fresh air as I add up this sensations do I figure something's wrong.

(what the hell yddrasil didn't have a sense of smell and the touch mechanic was more of a numb feeling. what the hell is going on)

My eyes widen as i get up and start looking at my surroundings  being amazed by the forest I thought I would never get the chance to see.

( Ok now nots the time to be distracted I need to figure where I am and then figure what to do from there)

As I'm on my feet a take a good at my self seeing what I currently have on

( what this are the clothes I usually wear when I'm in my character pls don't tell me this is one of those isekai gigs that happens  in light novels? If so it might be able to use one of my skills to search for nearby  civilisation let's give a try.)

(Skill:eagle eye)

A red aura surrounds me as an ethereal  eagle hovers over me and then disappears  then my eyes take on a yellow colour and I can see for 2 miles in every direction.

( ok skills working that's good don't know what I would have done if it didn't although it does feel a bit different though)

As I look around I see a large city area which has a very medieval fantasy vibe to it. Thinking I could get some answers I decide to walk there hoping that there isn't a language gap.

( ok faith you brought me to this world let's see what you have in store for me).

(Ok people this is my third chapter but know one has made a comment or answered any of my questions I would have put this on fanfic.net but I like writing on my phone and I  don't know how it works please a comment if I feel people are not reading this story I'm going to have to drop it)

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