way of the open hand ( part 2 re-eztize)

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(Skills and magic)

As I was walking  I had several thoughts going through my head trying to find a reasonable explanation for what happened to me.

(The only things I think of is some higher being or god brought me here some reason I have to yet grasp, I died in the game and entered a parallel world based on yddrasil or that I was summoned here).

I close my eyes take a deep breath and sigh.

(Thinking on that now wouldn't immediately help my situation, best to work withs what's in front of me).

As was coming up to a large gate two  guards called to me as they pointed there spears towards me.

"Halt who goes there?" Guard number 1 said.

As I stopped my myself fully registering there words,though I looked calm on the outside I was actually ecstatic in my  head.

(Great I can understand them so far so good,although the words I can hear and the word there speak looks different magic perhaps?).

As I stood there thinking on what I should say I came up with an appropriate reply.

"My name is kirin osman and I'm a traveller from the east hoping for a better opportunities from where I came from."

The guards still pointing there spears looked at me suspiciously until the second guard asked a question.

"Are you from E-pespel,E-reabel or the empire?" Guard number 2 asked

I decided to answer bit truthfully.

"No I'm not a bit further down will that be an issue?"

Waiting for an answer to my question  they answered with another question

"Are you an adventurer?" Guard number 1 asked

"Something like that but I'm a bit of a mercenary to be honest." I answered sort of truthfully

Having thought my answer was sufficient enough withdrew there spears and replied to my answer.

"Goodluck finding a job in the capital your better being an adventurer." Guard number 2 snorted amusingly

As I digested those words my mind was on overdrive trying work with the information I was given.

(Adventurer? So it is similar to a fantasy world this could help if I need anything profitwise)

After I finished thinking I bowed to them and offered my gratitude.

"Thank you gentlemen that has really been helpful although am still not familiar with my surroundings so I would like to offer this as my gratitude  and to spare any information and map you could give."

I thought of opening my inventory and then my hand entered a black swirling portal greatly shocking  the guards present.

(Know matter how many times I do this it's still weird. I thought of a pouch that I used to carry some of my yddrasil gold   and it entered my hand  as I brought  it out with my inventory closing up afterwards.

Still visibly shocked from display my they didn't react to me reaching my hand into the pouch and bringing out 2 gold gold coins for of  each them until I waved it in front of there faces.

They took the coins from me giving it a once over before looking at me and asking.

Where did you get this looks like a work of art rather than any gold coin I've seen and what was that thing just  now are you a magic caster ?Guard number 2 looked at me interested on what I would  say

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