A Corrupted Universe | Ch.1 Pt.3 |

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( drawing still isnt mine )

( Permanent P.o.V )

Hey.... there the name's Permanent.... surpise. surpise. I'm corrupted. Am I proud of it? Definetly. I mean can you belive I used to be someone who  was trying to stop corruption? Corruption should spread we must share its beauty... well that was King Blixer told me...  on to the story i geuss..

it was a day like any other in this corrupted world grabbing some of my pills so i wont go pure im ready for today. i'd walk on down to the dungeon for another fun day of making those heros suffer for ever trying to stop corruption. the cages had victums of my king like any pure wigglers, Cube that mistake of a hero summoner, heli and ship cant wait to see them go corrupted, and finally the heros. HA! as soon as they saw me you could see the fear in their body. it was hilarious!


WHAT THE- how dare the yellow triangle call me that! that isn't even near of what my name is i think it's time i taught them some manners. I laughed ready to see them plead in pain

Permanent: " I told you. MY.NAME.IS.PERMANENT! "

I summoned a shockwave taking a peice from them in a second. since they're staving they're to weak to dash. hear them cry in pain was the best thing I ever seen. ready to hurt them more I see my king walking down the hall. bowing as my king walked up to me I looked up to see him smile. oh I can't wait to see what he has planed.

Blixer: " hey... Permanent don't you think it's time we corrupted one of these heros? "

OH i have been waiting for the day he say this and I knew just the perfect Shape to join us

Permanent: " how about the yellow one. it's about time they learned their place.

My king smiled as he grab that annoying triangle and walked away as best part is I could here that crybaby ( cube ) begging


of course my king ignored her You could even hear her start crying but i don't have time for that i have these other heros to take care of... or so I thought as soon i was about to attack them a portal appeared sucking me in and then closed I woke up near a Orange Tree i looked around to see a reconizable area it was Paradise before it was corrupted... why was i here there was two other they were still fainted after awhile i hear someone coming I pretened i was still fainted 


( btw Permanent is just a corrupted cyan with a more jagged scarf and a missing piece ( cyan looks can be found in the photo of the frist chapter ) 

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