A new Player has joined | Ch.2 pt.1 |

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Player's Pov

I was confused that voice... it sounded fimilar but no i couldn't put my finger on it... I look up to see a lot of other shapes...? A Cyan square, A yellow triangle, A green Pentagon, A orange cricle, and Light blue cube. they seem to look at the others seeing they were still fainted till finally the cyan square saw me. I backed up from fear was it going to hurt me it just similed.

???: " HEY TRI! this one awake. "

the gold triangle look back and look back down on the red and blue square

Tri: " this one to, they're rlly bad at playing dead "

The red and blue square eyes opened as she got up

?: HEY! i'm not that bad

she crossed her arms, looking at the otherside the orange cricle and the green pentagon were poking another shape. they kinda looked like The cyan square expect... pink? The orange one grabbed a stick and started to aggresivtly poke the pink shape. it got up after a little a bit and attacked the orange circle but they seemed to dodge on time


The orange cricle backed away and put it's hands up

???: " calm down, I was just trying to wake you up "

The thing was about to attack again but stopped and put his attacks away. The cyan square called to the Light blue cube,

?: " hey cube! they're up! "

he smiled 

cube: " well intorduce your selves to them ill get the others! "

hold on did he say others-? the Four shapes walked to the green tree sthe cyan square was frist to speak

Tristam: " i'm Tristam and i'm glad to welcome you to paradise! "

paradise...? that sounded fimilar but why would they call this place that...?

Tri: " i'm tri and this here is my brother Remix! "

She nuged the green pentagon shoulder... i geuss that's remix?

Remix: " Thanks for doing my introdution I geuss..? but yeah i'm Remix "

the orange cricle was last to say who they were

Tempo: " and i'm tempo "

Tristam: " why dont you introduce yourselves? "

I walked up to say i was frist to go and tried to speak but nothing came out just small beeps the four looked confused along with the pink shape. I kept trying but still noting till finaly the red and blue shape spoke.

?: Player huh? Nice to meet ya!

everyone look at her confused inculding me

Tristam: " you can understand him!? "

?: " you can't? "

all four: " nope "

she just looked at me and giggled

Switch: " looks like im your translator! Oh and i'm da- Switch! yeah switch.. "

the last was the pink shape they refused to speak, Tristam just smiled 

Tristam: " no need to be shy now, here in paradise we dont care if you're corupted or not! "

the pink shape wispered something under his breath

Tri: " what was that? "

the pink shape growled as claws ( like cube's ) came  out

Permeant: " I SAID IT'S PERMEANT!! "

all four shape backed up

Tri: " SORRY! SORRY! "

I looked at the two with me... i wondered if they were human like I was... i geuss that doesnt matter now... maybe ill find out later..

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