Chapter 2

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I gave Lauren my address and headed home with Travis.

Ally and Dinah were sitting at the table drinking a glass of wine and chatting.

"My friend is sleeping over." Travis said to the girls and walked into his room.

"So yeah Tyler is sleeping over and I invited his mom over for movie night." I said to Ally and Dinah.

"His mom huh?" Dinah laughed.

"What Dinah?"

She just smirked and went back to sipping her wine. I poured myself a glass and joined them.

"Mommy can Tyler eat with me?"

"Sure babe. Go sit down and watch tv until he comes."

Travis made his way into the living room and sat on the couch.

"So what's this moms name?" Ally asked.


"Oh. Sounds hot." Dinah said.

"She is."

Dinah put her glass down and looked at me, "Mila you are not getting into a relationship or hooking up with anyone. I refuse to watch you get hurt again."

"DJ chill. All I said was that she was hot."

The doorbell rang and Travis ran to the door. "Can I open it mom?"

I nodded and he opened the door for Tyler and Lauren. Dinah and Ally's jaws dropped then they looked at each other and then at me. "Holy smokes." Dinah said.

"Hey sorry I took long, Tyler couldn't find his sleeping bag." She said.

"It's alright. Travis wanted to eat dinner with Tyler so we all waited."

Dinah helped set the plates and Ally called the boys to the table. After I served everyone Ally said a prayer.

"Amen." We all said.

"So Lauren what do you do?" Ally asked.

"I'm work in real estate."

"Oh that's amazing! Maybe you can help me and Troy find a house."

"Troy is your boyfriend I'm assuming?"


"Lovely. I'm sure I could find something. You'd just have to tell me what you're interested in."

Ally was so ecstatic. She just wanted a place for her own with Troy. Right now she was living with Troys family because they couldn't find the perfect place to settle down. "Yes we can talk more later about it."

"Mom can we ditch movie night and play in my room instead." Travis asked.

"You never ditch movie night." Dinah pouted.

"Yeah well now I have a friend over and I don't have to make you watch boring kids movies."

"If you really wanna ditch your cool mom then fine." I said faking being sad.

"We're all done." They said and ran off into Travis' room.

I got up to clear the table and Lauren offered to help. "Its okay I got it."

I took the plates to the sink and started doing dishes.

"Mila what movie are we watching?" Dinah yelled from the living room.

"Ask someone else."

I finished dishes and checked my phone before joining the girls.

I had a text from Austin asking if I made up my mind. I replied no and made my way into the living room.

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