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We stepped out walking to some kind of a room. I was at the other side of it. "So, Sir, what is your name?" She asked and I answered. "My name is Thomas." She wrote it down. "Your age Thomas?" "16. I'm 16." She wrote it down. Again. "So Thomas, what are your powers?" She asked. No response from me. She asked again. "What are your powers Thomas." A guard started to be stressed. "Last warning, what are your powers." She said. "Alright alright, chill out! My power is corrupted magic!"

"Hold up, how are you on the red zone then?" I got destressed. "You think I know?! I woke up in this goddamn facility all locked up you little fuc-" A guard tazed me from behind. I fell down. I turned and kill the guard with a spell. "Happy now?!"

Aftee few minutes of complaining. Annoucer finally gor the report of me to escort me to my cell room. "Caution: We need to escort a potencially dangerous subject in his cell room!." He said.

They escorted me with handcuffs on me. They pushed me in the room and unlocked the handcuffs. "Fucking a-holes!" They shut the doors, locked them, and leaved. I layed on the bed and sleep.

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