The "Gangster"

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I stepped out looking around the facility floor. I take some food that we got and eat it while leaning on the wall. "The bed and the food are probably the best thing here." I quriked.

"Ay newbie!" I turned. "Huh. What do you want dawg¹." He angered. "How do you dare to speak to me like that with such a manner?!" "Why not?" I smirked. He got more angrier.

He was about to yeet a power ball at me. "Aye chill out!" I'd stop laying on the wall. I'd do a pulser. I'd hit him with it, yeeting him in the corner.

A guard saw it and ran in. "Oi! What happened here you scums!" He turned to him. I quickly pickpocketed his key. "You fucking broke his leg!" He took him to the medical bay. "Uhm, ima just go back.." I ran back in the cell room and hid the key. "Now this is epic."I mumbled. Free time ended, people that were outside came back to the cells and got locked. After that, nothing much happened.

Dawg¹ - guy, man, a person, a statement with calling a person in offensive way.

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