Part 1.2: Minato Amemori

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"Damn, brat!"

I could hear the screaming of someone. I was being dragged by the collar of my shirt, begging him to stop.

The man, who was much, bigger than me at the time, pulled out a thin piece of wood. My eyes widened by the sight, fearful or what was to come.

He swatted my back with it. It got more painful but I tried to bear the pain. I wanted it to end. All of it. I begged him to stop, he did not. He proceeds to hit me with the wood harder, my eyesight seems blurry, then darkening before becoming pitch black.

I wake up and jolt up from the bed. I could feel my cold sweat run by my back. It took me a few seconds to realize it was only a dream.

"Shit..." I muttered to myself.

I rest my head back on my pillow and let out a long sigh. I grabbed my phone from the table beside my bed, it was only 2 in the morning. The night was still on.

They never stop. The dreams I have. All of them about the times I would least want to remember. I only realized that I had school today, so waking up and staying up wouldn't be the best for me. I've been going to therapy for it but all they do is hand bottles of sleeping pills and try to forget about it.

I turned my body sideways and wrapped myself under the blanket. I was afraid of going back to sleep, I'd only have another nightmare again.

It's been happening for years now, ever since I was thirteen. It just keeps happening. I want it to end. The more I feel like I'm alive, the more real those feelings are.


I went to school the next day taking the tram. I could hardly get any sleep from last night. I went to class looking like garbage. But despite my appearance of looking tired, my hair covered a good amount of my face anyway, no one would suspect it or ask about it. As if anyone did in the first place.

"Hey, Minato." Someone calls me from behind.

It was a friend of mine, Matthew. The guy was awfully short for a senior year male student. He was only up to my shoulder. He had a big head of blonde hair, and some square glasses.

I yawned out lazily, "Morning, Yamato."

"Don't call me that!" He protested, "Only you know that name, dumbass."

"Oh...sorry." I lifelessly apologized and he let out a sigh.

"It's...whatever, man."

For a guy, his voice is really high pitched. Everyone hated it, but I couldn't care less. It's not like he could autotune his voice or anything. I had most of my classes with him except AP Japanese, Statistics and my sport period.

He was a funny guy to say the least. We only got along because both of us live in the same dorm run by the school. Matthew was an out of city kid, so he moved in and would stay there until our school year is over, just like me. I would occasionally bump into him in the laundry room. Comedically, he leaves at least one item in his laundry whether be a sock, shirt, or even underwear, I would hand it back to him and he'd give me the reddest face I've ever seen a human could get.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2020 ⏰

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