I wanna see you

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I woke up to my phone dinging.

1 new message!
Tristan🧸:Goodmorning sweetheart
Y/n: Goodmorning prince
Tristan🧸: So I was thinking about some things last night during the live
Y/n: oh really? Like what?
Tristan🧸: like the fact that we are in love and haven't even made direct eye contact
Y/n: I know Tristan. I'm sorry we live so far from each other
Tristan🧸: yeah but what if you came here
Y/n: what? Tristan I'm sorry but I dont have the money for a plane ticket right now. I work at Subway
Tristan🧸: Well what if I picked you up?
Y/n: you. Came from California all the way to Florida?
Tristan🧸: yeah you're right that's a far ride.
Y/n: yup
Tristan🧸: well what if I bought you a plane ticket?
Y/n: well you don't have to do that. They're a lot of money
Tristan🧸: I really wanna see you. I don't care how much they cost as long as I can see your beautiful face in person
Y/n: Tristan this is only if you really want to buy that ticket. I don't want you wasting money on me. I wanna see you too but I don't want you spending money that you can't spend
Tristan🧸: Baby it's alright I have enough money to buy one. Like I said I'll give anything to see you. I'm buying one for you right now
Y/n: okay then prince

"Do you love me?"{} A Tristan Blane fanficWhere stories live. Discover now