New Home

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"Hey Tristan.." I say as he sits back down on his bed next to me after throwing out stuff away. "Yeah?" He says looking me in the eyes. "I don't know if I'm ready to sleep in the same bed yet" I said, looking down. "That's alright. I'll just sleep on the floor." He said as he got up and grabbed a bunch of blankets and pillows from his closet. "What? No this is your room, I'll sleep on the floor" I said getting up to help him. "Sweetheart, I'm fine with sleeping on the floor. I don't want you being uncomfortable. Trust me I'll be fine" he said as he finished laying the stuff down. "You sure?" I said sitting back down on the bed. "Of course" he said sitting down next to me.

He gave me a kiss on the cheek and lied down on the pallet he made. I lied down on his bed and it was so comfortable. Not to mention it smelled like him. I felt him put his hand on the side of the bed and I scooted to the edge of the bed and held it. "Goodnight prince" I mumbled into the sheets. "Goodnight sweetheart" he said

The next morning
"Sweetheart" I heard Tristan say as he lightly tapped on my shoulder. I responded with a groan as I turn to face him. My eyes met his beautiful blue ones as I moved my hair out of my face. "Hey" He said, placing a kiss on my forehead. "I'm going out today with Bryan so you're gonna have to hang out here with everyone else." He whispered into my ear. "Okay I love you" I responded quietly. "I love you too" he said as he turned and walked out of the room. I attempted to go back to sleep but was stopped by the loud ringing of my phone.

    "Hello?" I said as I answered. "Y/n I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to fire you from your position here at subway" I heard my boss say. Since I was still tired, it took my brain a moment to comprehend what he said. "Wait what? Why what's wrong is it something I did? I won't do it again!" I said trying to convince the man. "No but you have missed work and been late too many times without any real reasons and it's unacceptable" I heard from the phone. I sighed. "Okay sir I'll be over to drop off my stuff when I'm back from California" I said, sitting back down on the bed. "Okay thank you Y/n. Bye" he said as he hung up the phone.

     I laid down on the bed and started crying. Well shit what am I supposed to do now? That job was the only thing I had to keep my apartment.

    "Knock knock" I heard Tyler's voice as he walked into the room followed by another set of footsteps. I covered my face with the blanket so they couldn't see that I was crying. "Is everything okay?" Tyler said, sitting down at the end of the bed. He pulled the blanket down a little and I'm met with him and Chris. "What's wrong?" Tyler said as he noticed my tear stained face. I sighed out "Well I didn't wanna tell you guys but I just got fired from my job and that's the only thing keeping me somewhat financially stable" they just looked at me for a second. Tyler held his arms out and I latched onto him and cried in his shoulder. "What am I supposed to do" I cried out. "Hey calm down it's gonna be okay" Dayne said, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder.

They looked at each other as I was still crying into Tyler's shirt. "Hey what if you moved in with us." Tyler stated. "Yeah and plus you'd never have to leave Tristan" Dayne added. I pulled away from Tyler and wiped my eyes. "Move in with you guys? Like actually?" I said, looking confused. "Yes of course! We have extra space and an extra room just in case there are nights where you and Tristan don't feel comfortable sleeping in the same one." Dayne stated. "Well then.... yes I guess I could move in."

      "Yes! We'll tell the others once Tristan and Bryan get home so everyone is here" Tyler said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me out of bed. "But you need to get ready because you're going out with me to go pick up breakfast" he walked over to my suitcase as Dayne left. "Okay so I think these jeans with this shirt would look great!" He said as he pulled out a pair of ripped jeans and a tie-dye cropped shirt. "Yeah I'll wear that!" I said as I grabbed it. "And surprisingly its a little chilly today sooo..." he said walking over to Tristans closet and pulled out a jacket. "This will work!" I looked at him. "Wait isn't that Tristans? I don't wanna take it without permission" I said as I looked at the jacket. "Trust me, he won't mind" he held the jacket out and I grabbed it. "Okay I'll be waiting outside" he said walking out

"Do you love me?"{} A Tristan Blane fanficWhere stories live. Discover now