You Make Me Feel Safe

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I woke up and was so excited for today. I already called off of work for a week and packed all my stuff. I couldn't wait to see Tristan. It's been months since we fell in love and this will be the first time we see each other in person. As I was packing up the last of my stuff before my flight I heard my phone ding.

1 new message!

Tristan🧸: Hey! I can't wait to see you tonight
Y/n: I can't wait to see you either. I'm leaving for the airport soon
Tristan🧸: Okay you can get done with that I'll talk to you later sweetheart I love you
Y/n: Okay I love you too

I get ready and grab all my things and run out the door. I'm so excited!

At the airport (yeah I'm a lil lazy)

When I got on the plane it felt so nice. I have actually never been on a plane before I'm kind of excited.

Tristan🧸: Hey so we had some difficulties and Tyler is gonna pick you up when you get here and we'll meet at the house.
Y/n: Oh okay! That's alright. The planes about to leave so I have to go bye
Tristan🧸: Bye

Well that's a little weird. Wonder why he can't pick me up. Whatever at least I get to see him, it's not like he's dead or anything. The plane started moving and I looked out the window next to me. It looked pretty cool but I'm tired so I'm gonna just sleep through this ride.

In LA (told you)

I woke up as I felt the plane land. Are we here? How long has it been? I check my phone and it's been quite a while, probably about 4 hours.

Y/n: Tristan the plane just landed
Tristan🧸: Okay Tyler is on his way
Y/n: Alright. Can't wait to see you!
Tristan🧸: can't wait to see you too!

I get off the plane and start walking through the airport to find a place to sit and wait. Finally I find a seat in a big room with people waiting so hopefully this room is easy for Tyler to find. "Y/n!" A man from the hallway yells. I look up and see Tyler "Hey!" I say as I get up and grab my stuff. "Here let me help you with that" he says as he grabs my suitcase.

"Okay so the car ride back is a little long and I told everyone I was gonna get them McDonald's so are you up to go there first?" He said as we started walking. "Yeah sure I don't mind" I say as I try to keep up with him. He's a lot taller than me. I get in the car as he puts my stuff in the trunk. "So, you excited?" He said as he starts the car. "I'm super excited. We've been talking for so long and we're finally gonna meet face to face" I said. "Yeah I bet that feels pretty good. I'm sorry it's taking so long." He says, keeping his eyes on the road as he drives. "No! It's alright, he's not gonna be gone when I get there." I say. "Damn I kinda hope he is gone, he keeps eating my cereal." He says and we laugh.

The rest of the ride to McDonald's was quiet but not awkward. I felt very comfortable in the car with him. We pulled up the the McDonald's drive-thru and he starts ordering all the food. "Hey what do you want?" He says, turning to me. "Oh just some chicken nuggets and fries" I say looking at him. "Yeah can I get a 20 piece nugget and some fries?" He says turning to the speaker. He finishes off the order with his food and starting driving towards the window. We finally got our food and started driving to the house. "So how long will it take to get to the house?" I ask as I grab the bags and put them in my lap. "About 30 minutes as long as traffic doesn't get bad" he says. "Alright" I say, turning to the window and just watching. LA is so pretty.

We finally arrive at the house and I get a really nauseous feeling in my stomach. "Hey what's wrong?" Tyler says as he grabs the food from my lap. "I'm just nervous. What if he doesn't like me in person" I say, unbuckling. "Trust me Y/n he's crazy about you. He's gonna love you" Tyler says, getting out of the car. I get out and start walking behind him as he enters the house. "Guys! We're back" Tyler's voice echoes through the house. I hear a bunch of people coming over and see Tristan as he enters the room.

Tristan notices me and starts walking towards me so I started walking towards him. He wrapped his arms around me and picked me up as I wrapped my legs around his waist. He buried his face into my neck and I felt him smile. I felt so safe in his arms and it made me so comfortable. We pulled away but he was still holding me. Then we kissed and his lips were so soft and warm. He pulled away and we just looked at each other. "I love you." Tristan said pulling me back closer to his chest and I put my head on his shoulder. "I love you too" I mumbled into his shoulder. "Hey lovebirds! If you don't get your food right now I'm gonna eat it! These chicken nuggets are looking good." Bryan yells from the kitchen. "DONT TOUCH MY FOOD!" I yelled as Tristan put me down and I started running towards the kitchen. Tristan laughed as he followed me. "Yo bro don't touch my food" Tristan said, pushing Bryan from the bags. Bryan laughed and walked away with his food. Tristan grabbed my food from the bag along with his food and ran. "I guess you're gonna have to get me!" He yelled from the stairs. I just stared at the beautiful man running up the stairs. "Wait! No get back here you dick!" I yelled, following him up the stairs.

"Do you love me?"{} A Tristan Blane fanficWhere stories live. Discover now