*Those who love within

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Have you ever seen
a frightened love?

A love in dire need.

Have you ever seen
a kind of love, so
hastily ejected from
the hush of nerves?

A kind of love that finds
a way to brave the
probing spears of sense.
A kind of love, that conjures
up and amplifies intensity;
That early reaches the age
of surety - a love that blooms
and rises to rushed maturity.
That packs all its gutsy
bags and says to fantasy;

"i'm leaving" ...

And so forsakens the cradling
safety of a long lived silence,
glides into premature audibility.
Plunges itself into a frenzied
world of  impulsed gestures
and blushful facials - of stolen
glances and wishful fancies.

Have you ever seen a
frightened love?

A frightened love in
dire need; a love that
burns in subtle flame.
Such a love that slowly,
that shyly bursts
to frightful fruition;

Only to be suspended in a
gaseous compression of
plausible questions
and reasonable thought.
Creating whirls of unsurety, 
that induce love into subtlety.
That coerce truth into silence.
And reduce hope into doubt.


Have you ever seen a jumble
of nonsensical letters,
Drowning in the incompetence
of a stagnant mouth?

Or else,

Have you ever seen a sentence
of words standing in line,
Contemplating whether to walk
the plank of tongue and dive
into an ocean of possible
responses - A vast ocean,
abundantly infested by sharks
of denial with tastes for desire.

Have you ever seen a trembling
love stumbling before its
destined destination;
Attempting to leave - yet so
desperately holding on to an
already hanging epiglottis.

It is all so sad a scene.

A stuttering love feels like that
first time, every time -
With all the clumsiness and
surprise each time
you think you'll let it out.
A depressing recurrence of
almost confession, is what
cages the words of
those who love within.

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