All We Have is Each Other

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All six of them hide in the back of the room. Hearts beating quickly, sweat on their foreheads, they pray to god those shooters won't find them. Those people are outside the room, looking for survivors. Everyone had shut down their phone, worried the attackers might be smarter than they think.

Thud, thud, thud, goes the heavy sound of footsteps outside the room, getting louder and louder every moment. Any second from now someone might kick the door open and shoot all of them to death.

None of them moves a muscle. Daisy is holding her mouth shut, so her cries can't be heard.

By the judge of it, these people had already have this place surrounded and there is at least ten of them. Shaking from fear, the sound of the footsteps finally fade away.

"We should go out and make a run for it right now," Josh whispers, just loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Are you kidding me? They're shooting everything that moves right now!" Ben shoves.

The room grows silent once again.

"Sean are you ok?" Camila asks, at the sight of Sean sitting with his knees up his chest, at the corner of the room. He has been avoiding eye contact with everyone, probably still shocked from the gun noises.

"Of course I'm not! All of my friends just died and I'll be too in a couple of minutes!"

"Don't say that ok? We need to stay positive if we want to leave this place," Camila tries to calm everyone down.

"Yeah that's right. Listen to the prom queen if you wanna stay alive," Bambi voices out of the sudden, making everyone stare at her.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Camila asks.

"She's right. You're not exactly the smartest person," Ben says.

"I can't believe it. Every single person in this room is an asshole," Camila rolls her eyes.

"Guys! Stop fighting like kids! We need to get out of here," Daisy says, making everyone go silent.

"It's been an hour and they're still surrounding the building. By the look of it, they're probably gonna be here a long time and we don't even know their motive yet. So, until the police take them down, we're gonna have to stay here," Daisy explains to everyone.

"Stay in this room? Nu uh, this wouldn't end well if this were a movie. Have you seen Die Hard, Daisy?" Sean replies.

"For gods sake, stop making movie movie references Sean!" Daisy yells, just loud enough to make everyone shocked.

"Sorry for that, now everyone go find anything useful in this room. We have to be prepared. We might be trapped in here for days," Daisy continues.

"Did you say days? I'm not staying here that long!" Josh replies.

"Seriously Josh? We're all gonna die immediately if you walk out that door," Camila stops him.

"Go and look for anything useful. Heat, water and food. Then we're gonna ration everything out,"

Everyone stands up quietly and starts looking around the room. The room is now silent, no longer filled with the sound of people arguing.

"Hey Camila, sorry for snapping earlier," Sean whispers, as they both go through the pile of clothes. It's the 2nd of March, so the nights are still really cold. They look for jackets and any thick clothing around.

"That's alright. You were scared. We all were,"

Sean sighs in relief.

"Are you still drunk?" she asks.

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