The Hero Here Is Rapunzel

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It's almost three o'clock and Daisy had just finished cooking some frozen chicken. They all agreed to eat fish and chicken before eating the ready-made canned food. Josh obviously didn't agree to it, but no one should ever listen to Josh, ever. All six of them sit at the cold floor, forming an almost-circle.

"Why does Josh get so many food?" Sean points at Josh's plate. They had given him all the mini oreos and two slices of chicken.

"Because I was shot? Duhh.."

Sean rolls his eyes jokingly and stares at the piece of unseasoned chicken on his plate.

"This feels like Thanksgiving at my old foster house," Sean says.

"Well the rest of seasonings are at the cafeteria. I had to work with what we've got," Daisy defends herself.

"Ooh, I'll go get it then," Sean says.

"Just sit down, I'll go grab it. It's cold in here anyway," Camila says.

"Help me push the door open first," she adds.

"You forgot the magic word..." he says while standing up.

Camila scoffs.

"Help me push the door open, you ungrateful brat?"

Bambi and Josh laughs.

"Told ya she's mean," Josh says, not having the food in his mouth chewed yet.

"Gross," Daisy says.

"You're grosser. You touched my blood with those hands,"

Bambi frowns her eyebrows as the room suddenly gets heated without warning.

"Excuse me? I saved your life!"

Sean heads to the door and pushes the cabinet away with Camila's help.

She walks out and grab the seasoning bottles right next to the cafeteria. Camila grew up in a Hispanic household so she's used to her mom's spicy cookings. She obviously appreciate Daisy volunteering to cook, but that girl has got to put some more spice. It felt like eating raw chicken.

She takes the chilli powder, paprika and cumin bottles.

All of the sudden, she hears the sound of a cup falling loudly and she freezes.

Please don't be it. Please don't be it!

"Turn around!!" a guy says.

She turns around and see a heavy gun being pointed right at her. She flinches as her heartbeat goes out of rythm. She closes her eyes.

"Who are you with?!" the guy asks.

She starts sweating, not being able to say anything.

"Answer me. I swear to god I'll shoot you in the face!"

"I'm alone. I was trapped inside!" Camila answers.

"Well I still feel like shooting you," he moves his finger to the trigger and suddenly gets hit on the head, hard.

Camila turns to see Sean, holding the pan.


The guy passes out, laying on the cold floor.

Camila stands there, still in shock.

"It actually worked!" she yells excitedly.

"Thank god it did, I would've felt so gulity if he shot you,"

Camila stares at Sean with her gaping mouth. No way that just happened.

"Imagine if I died just because you wanted some salt," Camila says and laughs.

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