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I know everyone in my house has a Hufflepuff but me. (Y/N) been busy with him because she is more intelligent than all of us. She has even made food when we have a game. She also, no surprise, plays for Slytherin as a seeker. Just like Potter got on the first year, I helped her, we had a plan that she would try to act at least as she cared, and then she would get on the team. I am glad it works, too she is the best seeker ever. No one can ever better her. She can win a game by tricking the other team, and all her tricks are fair and justified.

"Hey, Tracy. What do you have planned for us today."
Ugh, Pansy.
"Pansy, umm, hi. Can you please stop calling me crazy? It sounds like a girl's name, and if I were to be engaged to anyone, it would be (Y/N). Not you, so please give up. I don't love you. Your annoying, yandar-ish, and it doesn't make you better. So, please leave me alone before I tell my father to hurt your family's status. Then you would be no better than the mud-bloods. Good day and good riddance."

"Hey, how's my favorite dragon boy today."
"I feel amazing. I just told pansy off and threatened to ruin her family's life."
"Wow. I am so proud of my BFF. He finally told of a b**h."
"Sorry, but it's true. I don't think I have ever met anyone more worthy of that 'title.'"

I have no idea. Sorry for any errors. I just thought all of you deserved an update. ❤️ all my readers. Have a wonderful day.

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