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A bird flying into a sea of skies
To find itself a place warm and nice.
The same took place in a different way
Amidst the pandemic situation for a place safe to stay.

No water, No bread but just wending their way.
They marched along the rails and highways.
Little did they know, the virus would chase them miles
What good did it do to tramp hungry like mice.

No food to eat, No place to reside,
How'd the poor keep their family fit and thrive.
Who knew the optimism was transient,
Many died of starvation and many Suicide.


Author's note:
Ever thought what this pandemic did to the Labour class and the poors?

Thankyou anonymous__i (chupi) for nagging me to post❤️
Go check out this amazing story 'Meet You Past The Galaxy' by her!

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