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Something made me look up from what i was doodling. That feeling of being watched. Again.

This had been happening for a while now. Maybe they were right and i was insane after all.

Not too long after i went back to drawing someone knocked at my window. Cool, i was hearing things too? They knocked again. Alright, I wasnt THAT crazy.

So i looked up again, instantly regretting it. A face was staring at me though the glass.


Like every single night for the past 10 Years. I freaked out. A part of me wanted to run out of my room screaming, like many other nights before. The other one, probably the most stupid yet biggest part, wanted to go open the window and finish with all that once for all. So i did.

The tall, pale, black haired figure slid into my room, the darkness surrounding both of us. He stared at me; i stared back, holding my breath. Not because i was scared but because i recognized him. I knew this guy, i knew those once blue, calming eyes. I knew him like the palm of my hand. My own blood... My brother Jeffrey.

I swallowed.

'J-Jeffrey?Is it really you?' I asked in a shaky voice.

'Yeah, it's me, baby girl' he answered, his voice as shaky as mine. He stepped forward, allowing the moonlight to shine on him so i could see. His pale skin was even more pale now, his once brown hair was black and messy, longer than i remembered. His eyes looked crazy, like he was out of himself. His white hoodie was red splattered. And he had a cut from ear to ear, causing him to look like he was smiling. I placed my hand on his cheek. At first he looked surprised, but he ended up by leaning his head towards my hand.

'All this years, Jeffrey... I've seen you every night. They told me i was crazy' i whispered.

'Im sorry, Violet. I really am' he mumbled back at me. He seemed like he was about to cry.

'What happened? Mum, dad, liu? Why did you do this to me? You left me here on my own. I was scared and all alone. I was only a kid' i let out a small cry.

'Mum and dad... They gave you up because of your... Abilities'.

'But I've learned how to control them now. Maybe i can go back with you!'.

'Violet, you don't understand' he said, grabbing both of my wrists.' They're gone now'.

Tears filled my eyes. I was abandoned when i was only five... But I remembered. And I had missed my parents and brothers every single day for 10 fucking years.

'What happened?' I asked. Jeffrey sighed.

'I killed them' he admitted. I nodded, taking in what i had just heard. I wasn't mad though, calmness filled my body and soul. Death had never really affected nor scared me.

'Why are you here?' I questioned.

'Youre in great danger, Violet. You need to come with me. Now' he stated.

'So you stalk me for years, tell me you killed my parents and expect me to go with you just like that?' I asked, crossing my arms over my chest. He scratched the back of his neck.

'You don't really get a choice, violet' Jeffrey said.

'Why don't you just suck it, bro?' I growled. He stared at me for a few seconds with a serious look in his once beautiful face before letting out a small laugh.

'You haven't changed at all. Stubborn as fuck... Like mum' he said. Suddenly i found myself pressed tightly between his arms.

'Let go!' I whined, trying to make my way out of his embrace.

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