Chapter 26- I'm Always With You

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I clutched Niall's hand as we made our way through Heathrow airport. He was leaving soon, and I was getting sadder by the second.

I looked at all the fans lined up to see the boys. I remembered being in their place, and now I was turning over my boyfriend to them. He was theirs for the next couple weeks, and I silently asked them to take care of him.

Niall and the other boys went to take some pictures with the fans, as they had a little bit of time before they went through security. I saw Lou Teasdale with Lux, and her face lit up. Little Lux wasn't so little anymore--she was four years old! I picked Lux up and played with her a bit. Ali appeared next to me.

"I HATE this. Why does Harry have to some megastar singing sex god? Can't he just be a business exec like everybody else his age?"

"We can't think like that. They're happy the way they are."

"I don't want them to leave. I'm going to miss them all so much. It won't be the same anymore."

"I know." The boys came back over to say goodbye, and I handed Lux back to Lou.

"Hey." Niall said.

"So, you've got to leave, don't you?"


"Well, I want you to know that." I put my arms around his neck, "I'm going to miss your smile, and your laugh, and you waking me up, and always being with me, and the way you make me feel happy and crazy and alive and how you calm me down. I'm going to miss everything that the last few months have been. You are the most beautiful person in my life."

"Well, I'm going to miss the way you are so detail-oriented and crazy bossy and annoying in a way that I love. I will miss your smile and your laugh and the way you never stop talking and how you dance around the flat and make the most amazing food and how you are just the most beautiful girl in the world. I'll miss seeing your face everyday."

"Niall what am I going to do?"

"You are going to keep studying at school, and you'll ace your final exams. You and Ali will run around London like always. You'll go to TopShop and Jack Wills and Nando's. You're going to have fun, and in three weeks, I'll be back to see you again for Christmas. I promise."

"Niall, I love you more than anything."

"I love you, too, darling." He kissed my forehead, and then I tilted my head up to kiss him.

"Hey, please don't be sad, not now. This will be fine, you're strong enough for this. I love you." I nodded and kissed him again. We gave each other's hands three quick squeezes (I love you), and I watched him as he followed the other boys to security.

At the last possible second he could see me, he turned towards me again, and blew me a huge, dramatic kiss. I giggled and blew a kiss back. I loved that fool.

I looked over at Ali, who was crying just slightly, just a little redness in her eyes, and I pulled her in tight for a hug.

"Come on, babe, let's go." I put my arm around her and we walked back to the car.

We got stopped by a group of fans on the way to the car, and took pictures with a few of them.

"You're so beautiful and lucky! I'm so glad they're dating normal girls like us!" One girl shouted.

"Ew! God, no! You're ugly, just leave already!" Another girl said.

"There are two kinds of fans." Ali said to me.

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