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walking into yours and emma's shared apartment, you found her sleeping on the couch in a huge sweatshirt. asusual, you thought, smiling. walking over to her, you brushed the stray hairs from her face and placed a light kiss on her forehead. emma stirred slightly, opening her eyes slowly and smiling when she saw you hovering over her.
"hey, bubbas." you cooed softly, brushing her cheek with your hand.
"hey, hi. when you'd get here?" she asked, sitting up and rubbing her eyes.
"like, literally twenty seconds ago." you laughed, sitting beside her on the couch, chastely kissing her lips.
"shit, i have to film a video. wanna do a clothing haul with me?" she asked, grabbing your hands.
"hell yeah." you laughed and ran up the stairs with emma just behind you.
"what's up, guys? today i'm here with my special friend, y/n, and we're doing yet another thrift haul." emma smiled to the camera hugging you close to her.
"i'm gonna show off and explain the pieces while emma tries them on and then we'll switch every once in a while, taking turns trying them on." you informed the camera, looking at the pile of clothes emma and you had thrifted the weekend before.
"let's fucking get into it, i guess." emma shrugged, standing up and stripping herself of her previous outfit.
"wow, that's my girlfriend." you thought aloud, smiling dreamily at emma.
"shut the fuck up, you fucking simp!" emma yelled, laughing and blushing heavily.