Fate lies near Ch. 2

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No ones POV:
King had gone to the Necropolis a few times trying to see if the Sins had already come by there, but he still had no luck. After a few days the sins had finally arrived and King took this opportunity to personally greet Ban in a special way.

(Le time skip cause yes)
Ban's POV:
I walk off while the captain yabs on about something and I see a little girl she looks at me and I am reminded of Elaine but I shake away my thoughts and see that the girl fainted. I went over to her and picked her up to check if she was ok and then I heard some boy's voice.
No ones POV:
Boy: hey! Who are you and what are you doing with my sister?!
Ban: look kid has she been getting enough to eat?
Boy: leave my sister alone!
(The little girl was starting to wake up)
Ban: look I'm just asking if your sister has gotten enough food and rest
Boy: leave her alone! (He ran up to Ban and stabbed him in the chest and by this time the little girl was already awake)
Girl: no brother he was just trying to see if I was ok!
Boy: w-what?
Ban: well that was a little rude
Boy: I'm sorry! What can I do to make it up to you?
(Ban had already healed up the wound and the siblings were shocked)
Boy: huh? What?! But I stabbed you!
Ban: oh there is nothing to be sorry for and I just healed myself........... and real sins can never be atoned for. (Ban was stabbed again in the chest by none other than King)
King: glad you finally realized that (King was lying on his spear looking at Ban spit out from blood from the impact)
King: hey Ban hows it been? Great I'm so delighted to see you after all these years.
(He didn't respond)
What's up it's not like you to be so quiet?
Ban: wait a second....... who are you?
King: wow my feelings are hurt. Did you really forget your dear old friend?
Ban: I don't really remember you sorry
King: well I guess it doesn't matter too much. The important thing is.......... (King makes the spear spin inside Ban's chest and drives it out his back) you are Ban the Fox sin, sin of greed (the spear is now in the air and King is standing on top of it) or maybe this name is more preferable: Ban the undead (his wound heals up and the children are scared and huddling together)
Ban: you got some mouth kid, I would watch what you say. and what the hell do you know about me anyway?
King's 💭: he's always been one to stand out do and say whatever he wants, which is why I like- or liked him
(King sighed)
King: I know your sin
Ban: what?
King: even if you have no memory of me you should still have some memory of your sin right? You know that terrible crime you committed. To satisfy you greed and gain eternal life....... you Killed the holy woman of the fountain of youth.
Ban: (Le growl) listen kid you're really cramping my style (he turned to the kids) and you guys get out of here (he turned back to King)
Boy: c'mon Ellen let's go (they kids leave)
(King comes flying in on his spear aiming for Ban)
King: I'm right aren't I?
Ban: I'll ask you one more time... (Ban tries to punch him but fails when King flies away and Ban just ends up punching the wall)
King: I'm happy you came out here to play with me (King gets behind Ban and has his Chastiefold ready) cause you just walked right into my trap (he did Le hand signals and aimed his spear at Ban and sent it straight for him) you won't escape! (His spear kept swinging at Ban in all directions) maybe you can still remember bumble bee.
Ban: sorry it's not ringing a bell either! (He tried to kick King but failed since King flew away too fast)
King: I wish she could see this. The man who took her life, pathetically begging for mercy.
(Ban stops and looks down with his hand in the air)
Ban: now for the last time..... who the hell are you-
Meliodas: bad Ban! (He bonks Ban in the head with a cup)
Ban: hey captain would you butt out.
King: huh?
Meliodas: what's the matter with you? You think you can just go and skip out of work?
Ban: some kid that I've never seen before came over here to start a fight with me.
Diane: ok can someone tell me what's going on here? (Diane walks up to the scene and looks over at King)
Diane & Meliodas: huh? King!
Ban: what?! Tell me how that little punk is supposed to be King!
Meliodas: well.... maybe he lost a little weight?
Ban: a little weight?! That's not even the main issue here!
Diane: King we came looking for you and now you're here. I'm so happy to see you again!
(King just looked at them and flew away)
Author note: um I'm too lazy to do the part where Ban feeds and interrogates the children so skip to King's scene
King's POV:
"Oh I'm so stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid! Now Diane is gonna think I took off when I saw her!"
Author note: um so in my story Diane and King still made a promise but the promise was that they would always remain best friends and come back to each other no matter what.
"And I got distracted again when I saw Ban! That no good dirty lier Ban! That....... handsome......... funny......... smart- idiot! wait no don't think that!" (King was trying to shake away the thoughts)

Ok so I'm done for this chapter and I'm I just am........ yeah I'm not really sure why I even started making the book but I just hope you guys like it and that I am still motivated to finish the full book. But I just gotta say.......... 957 words is a lot for me so I am just proud of the progress but anyways it's time to say goodbye to my little readers.
So bye 👋

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