Are we good now? Ch. 5

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(Ban looked over to King and coughed)
Ban: Hey, what's the big idea, King?
King: Well isn't it obvious? I came to save you.
Ban: Isn't that cute? Why thank you my tiny savior.
King: Oh think nothing of it. I mostly came here to help the Captain and Diane.
Ban: What? What about me?
(Meliodas just looked at them and smiled at their antics)
King: No, not really. It's also for my sister, who cares for you.
(Guila exploded the crystals around her)
Ban: Wow.
(He said sarcastically)
Guila: It's true, your betrayal is not entirely unexpected. However, I do find myself disappointed, King the Grizzly Sin.
King: Well you saying that is unexpected to me. I didn't remember ever officially allying myself with the realm's Holy Knights. The realm wanted the Seven Deadly Sins destroyed, and I only wanted Ban destroyed. Our interest were temporarily aligned, that's all. The situation has changed.
Ban: Yeah, whatever, stop talking behind my back.
Guila: I see. An entirely predictable excuse.
(She created a bunch of bombs out of thin air and sent them forwards)
Guila: Shot Bomb!
(King flicked his finger up and King's spear pushed out of Ban's chest and spin, taking out all of the bombs in a few seconds which caused a huge explosion)
(With Hawk and Elizabeth)
Hawk: Hey, some crazy stuff is going down that way!
Elizabeth: We have to hurry!
Hawk: Uh, maybe we should be going the other way?
Elizabeth: we can't.
(Ok back to Le fight and shit)
(King's spear stopped spinning and the smoke cleared)
Guila: How magnificent.... So that is the spirit spear Chastiefol, said to be forged from the Holy Tree that exists in the Fairy realm. It is more durable than steel, and possesses the mysterious properties of the Holy Tree itself. Your magical ability can summon forth all of those properties.
(The spear flew right over to king and the tip was aimed at Guila)
Guila: Disaster. This should make things a bit interesting, at least. Feel free to attack me four-on-one.
(King started floating forward)
King: No. One-on-one.
Guila: Are you serious?
(Ban and Meliodas sat down)
King: oh and Ban.....
Ban: hmm?
(King turned his head)
King: Watch and learn~
(He smirked and turned his head back around. Ban just looked amused by his words and action)
Meliodas: She's all yours, King!
(Meliodas put his sword away)
Ban: You know I'll kick your ass if you lose!
Diane: Argh, Captain... I really do think that I might be done for...
Guila: As you wish. Whenever you are- -
(King didn't wait for her to stop talking, he just sent the spear straight at her, the spear went right near her face but didn't hit and went right past, but a cut appeared on the side of her face)
King: Now that's no good. Make sure to dodge properly.
Guila: Did I misread him?
(The spear then spun around and plunged straight down, causing Guila to quickly shift over to the side)
Guila 💭: His speed! His power! It's nothing like the other Sins!
(This is Elaine's thoughts)
Elaine: I know you brother. I know you will make my wish come true. Because you can manifest more power when your fighting for others than yourself.
(King sent his spear towards Guila and she kept dodging his blows barely)
Not just for your little sister, but also for the comrades who miss you. I know you brother, and the incredible kindness that's in your heart. When you saw our ravaged homeland, you blamed yourself and cried nonstop for me and our people. I know all about it. I know your fathomless reserves of strength.
(Guila raised her rapier and placed a big bomb on the top of it)
Guila: Brilliant Detonation!
Ban: That doesn't look good.
(King just went closer while spinning his spear)
Elaine: Long ago, the human kingdom coexisted peacefully with the forest ruled by the ruler by the Fairy King. And as a testimony to our friendship, there was an unspoken agreement not to meedle with each other's affairs.
(A bunch of explosions went around simultaneously)
King: Spirit spear Chastiefol, fifth configuration!
(His spear started spinning and exploded into light, and transformed into hundreds of daggers)
King: Increase!
(He snapped his fingers and sent them all flying in the direction of the bomb)
Elaine: What the humans feared most of all was the might of the Fairy king, which deterred all would-be intruders.
(The daggers deflected the blast and, King positioned them all behind her)
Elaine: It was king. Or by his true name.....
(He sent all the daggers flying down on her, creating a huge puff of smoke)
Elaine: ...... Harlequin, King of the Fairies.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2020 ⏰

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