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slightly mature, have tried to keep it ungraphic.

6 August 2009
Andheri West, Mumbai

Khushi straightened her white shirt that she had paired with the figure hugging jeans as she stood at the threshold of the penthouse. Checking her reflection in the mirror that was conveniently placed between two doors, she corrected her red lipstick and fluffed her shoulder length hair. She was supremely satisfied with haircut she had received last month.

The nervousness she felt in this moment was something she had not felt in four years. But she realised the deeper emotions she had felt were no longer there. Sighing loudly, she rang the fancy doorbell and waited. If she had been naive, she would have expected him to open the door. And rightly so, because the househelp smiled at her, making her realise she still knew this man.

"Khushi." She told him and the man let her enter.

Taking in the surroundings she smiled a little. Trust this man to keep everything around him grey. What would go wrong if he put in something colourful around him. Shaking her head she chuckled a little as the house help looked at her speculatively as he held the tray. Lifting the glass of cold water, she thanked him.

"Bhaiya will be here in ten minutes. He has a call."

Khushi nodded, his affair with his phone was something that still hadn't changed. She took out the script that she had decided to carry for such occasions had been deep into reading when she heard him call out.

"Ramesh, has Khushi arrived?"

"Ji Bhaiya."

It was a bit surprising for Khushi when she didn't feel the familiar tug in her heart that she used to. Pushing her reading glasses behind, she flipped the page. Four years ago he would have made fun of her reading but now her speed was commendable. She had managed to finish almost half of her reading in the ten minutes she had been spared for.

Khushi looked up when she heard his faint hi. He wasn't able to disguise the surprise he felt looking at her and Khushi smiled. Packing her binder, she stood up as he came closer to her. He took a minute to study her appearance. A deep contrast to what he had expected. She had changed drastically in the four years they had been apart. Her casual but different clothes made his breath hitch, just a little bit. He didn't know if it pointed to any unresolved feelings like his sister had been adamant about.

Khushi however surprised him by hugging his neck. And he gulped when he realised it was platonic as she withdrew. It had been short and she hadn't tightened her hold like she would have when she was scared.

"How are you Arnav?" She enquired, with a raised brow and a smile.

"I'm good." His throat suddenly felt parched and he cleared it loudly. "Come inside please." He added, ushering her towards the kitchen island, from to the living room she had been sitting in.

Arnav was keen to notice that her previous Sarojini Nagar jhola had now been replaced with a designer bag, something she carried with impressive grace. Dropping her bag on the island, she took the high chair and sat crossing one leg over the other. Her face had been graced with very little makeup, just light mascara and a titillating red lipstick which made him purse his lips. He realised he had been staring at her lips because he noticed they curved into a full blown knowing smile. She knew he was staring.

Sitting beside her he smiled uncomfortably, realising he no longer scared her. From the corner of his eye he saw that the house help had excused himself to his room in the further end of the penthouse and Arnav was glad at Ramesh's receptiveness.

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