Chapter 16

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When Kosazana emerged from the portal Soren had opened for her, she found an entire welcoming committee. Not only had the rescued immortals, now numbering eighty-seven, refused to leave until she had returned, everyone in the safehouse had congregated there as well. There were over a hundred people crammed into the living room, all of whom let out a riotous cheer as Kosazana exited the portal, surrounded by her team. The wolves, upon seeing the desperate lack of space, hastily shifted back into their humanoid forms, grinning lecherously at their own nudity and elbowing each other laughing. For once, the focus was on not the naked women among them, but on Kosazana, who was struggling to make a path through which she could lead the wounded harpy.

The crowd closed in on her from all sides, cheering and clapping and howling their elation at her victory. For the moment, Kosazana would not question how the knowledge had broken out that she was the one leading the team, but she suspected that those who had been returned had probably told everyone who would listen about the sorceress who so confidently demanded their release, and then fought to that end. The harpy, still iron-banded and bleeding, plastered himself to her side, tucked up under her arm and huddled against her chest. Kosazana wrapped her arm over his shoulders and guided him with her, smiling and nodding and grasping hands to pacify those who were dying to get near her. Placated, the crowds began to fall away, and Rory was able to push through from the other side, seize her, and escort her through.

The hulking vampire led them upstairs, through the lovely house that Kosazana saw and registered none of. All she could focus on was the shaking of the being in her arms, silent and terrified, but clinging to her all the same. The actions of five minutes had completely won him over, Kosazana realized, and the thought was sobering. His life had been so devoid of trust and compassion for so long, that five minutes of decency was enough to make him hold onto her like he would fall off the earth if he let go.

Rory led them to a spare bedroom. Borderline austere, with its plain sheets and neutral colors and lack of anything personal to demarcate the space as lived-in, it felt a bit cold and unwelcoming, but was perhaps not as off-putting as the impromptu exam room Rory usually set up in every house. Leaving the door open a few inches to preserve their privacy but so the harpy wouldn't feel trapped, Rory gestured to the bed, offering the seat. The harpy simply turned his gaze to Kosazana, liquid and questioning but oh so trusting and fragile. Kosazana slid up on top of the covers, helping her friend up with a hand as well; he burrowed back into her side and watched Rory with wide, owlish eyes as the vampire stood a respectful distance away and attempted to use American Sign Language to communicate, to no avail.

"Can you touch his mind?" Rory asked, addressing Kosazana. "I cannot reach the minds of others unless they initiate contact."

"I can't," Kosazana admitted. "But Solvecde can."

Rory nodded and stepped out for a moment; Kosazana briefly tried to explain their conversation via charades, but was as unsuccessful as Rory's attempt at sign language. Giving up, she simply put her arms around the harpy and waited, feeling his fluttering pulse and knowing he was nervous but being unable to alleviate that just yet.

Rory stepped back into the room with Solvecde in tow; Soren had come as well, and remained casually leaning against the doorframe. The witch was still streaked with gore from his kills; Solvecde was decently smeared, but had made at least a cursory attempt at cleaning up. Blood still dyed his hair and clothes and in places had even congealed into clots; the iron-rich scent of it clung to him like a shroud. The harpy shrank back from him, eyes even wider now and body visibly trembling. Solvecde, to his credit, took no offense and didn't seem perturbed in the slightest. He merely dropped to one knee in front of the bed, and extended a hand to the harpy. Kosazana knew that physical contact was necessary for Solvecde to use this gift: it prevented him from intruding on anyone who didn't desire his presence, and kept him safe from others who might abuse it. She also knew how difficult it was for him to release his own pride and his warrior's instincts and make himself vulnerable to this unknown.

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