** ✧ Maxwell Piper ✧ **

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Maxwell Piper

Chasing A Title

Max was 23 the first time she walked into the American Council building.

She hummed as she walked by the Council Warriors on duty standing around a group that just entered before her.

She slid by them unnoticed she'd thought. She headed to the door to the stairway and quickly walked down the stairs, and soon glanced back hearing footsteps following her.

She looked away and continued. In the infirmary she was quickly seen and approached. Max smiled and was led to a room and the door was closed.

Head Dr Angus grunted and said I recognized your face. I don't know where I'd seen it though. Max looked back as the door opened and Council Warriors that had followed entered.

She said my name is Maxwell Bono. He went to the computer and quickly grunted and said your file is red flagged in our system. Then he sat and said others are looking for you Max.

She moved and turned from the Warriors and stood by the Doctor and looked at the screen. She looked off and said so the European Council flagged my file for pick up. Dr Angus smiled and said yes, what do you have to say about that?

She sighed softly then said I find that very interesting. He looked at her and asked why? She said It changes things. He asked what things?

She knelt by his side as he sat on the chair and said I only came here to get my all injections updated. I didn't know my file was flagged. I tried to have a Doctor send my injections to me. He asked from where and why send them?

She said a pack Doctor from overseas and because he was the last Doctor who had examined me. He looked up her file and said if this is correct, you haven't been seen in 5 years by him.

She grunted and said that's right, but if you looked he'd injected me with birth control for 5 years. Dr Angus grunted and looked then said damn you are right. That is bad as it doesn't say why.

She stood and grunted then said it was because stupid bitches lied and said I was going after a titled male to be claimed by him, slandering my name.

She looked at the Warriors who were stiff and glaring now. Max said ease down. I was an innocent being lied about and not going after any male. It was while I was attending the Academy overseas. The lies reached my strict parents and they demanded I be injected. It didn't matter to them I was 18 at the time and they had no rights.

The males both growled. She said anyway, after I completed my studies at the Academy, I packed my things and left Europe.

He asked why? She grunted and said oh, I scented my true mate when I was at the Council building. I was going to have my other injections updated. I scented him in the infirmary as he had brought in a reeking slut. Their scents were totally blended you see and she smelled pregnant. She also scented of a wrongness that had my wolf growling in my head that we needed to leave.

He looked and said there isn't anything in your file that states you found your true mate Max. She moved to the door and opened it and said thanks Ann as she rolled the buggy in the room.

The Warriors stiffened looking in the buggy and gasped. Max said calm down as she took the triplets from the buggy and eased them all down.

Dr Angus grunted and said explain Max. She huffed and said in a minute as she laid her identical triplets down, grabbed their blankets and said now go back to sleep. I'm here.

They calmed as she hummed, caressed their faces and kissed them each, soothed them down and soon they were back to sleep.

She pointed to the door and they quietly stepped from the room. Once the door was closed, Max said I lived off a pack's territory and one day was jumped on when running my wolf. To my shock and anger it happening at all, and even more that I ended up surprisingly pregnant.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Oct 02, 2023 ⏰

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