Chapter 2

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"Who's Y/N?"

It was quiet for a bit until Eita started laughing. "Come on. Stop. You guys told me yesterday that it was my fault, so why are you pretending like you don't know him?"

But, they didn't laugh. Either they were good actors...or they truly didn't know. "Pretending? What are you talking about?"

Eita's eyes widened a little. "C-Come on, guys. Seriously. Stop messing with me."

"But...we're not messing with you," Reon replied, a look of concern on his face.

"He...He's my boyfriend. We've been dating since high school...remember?"

The three glanced each other's way before looking back at Eita. "Boyfriend?"

"When did that happen?" Tendou asked, tilting his head to the side. "You never told us you were dating someone, Semi-Semi~"

"Yeah. Weren't you single? This is the first I'm hearing about a boyfriend."

Eita backed up a little. "No, we-- You guys know him! You've been friends with him since high school! He used to be on the track and field team for Shiratorizawa!"

"Sorry, but...I don't remember anyone by the name of 'Y/N'."

"Same here."

"Neither do I. Sorry, Eita."

Eita could hear his heart starting to crack.

What-- What the hell is going on? How come they don't know him? What's...happening?

"Aren't you gonna eat, Eita?"

He was still shaken but hesitantly nodded. He walked over and sat down, the others giving him looks of concern. "So, uh..."

They all looked Eita's way, waiting for him to speak. "How long have I been here?"

Reon raised an eyebrow. "You've been here since yesterday."

Yesterday... I left my apartment yesterday...

"Ah... I see."

"Did you hit your head somewhere, Semi-Semi?"


"You seem to be out of it," Ushijima added. "Is Y/N your friend? Maybe you could introduce us--"

Eita shook his head. "Uh-- No... Don't worry about it... Seems I can't remember anything..."

"What was that?"

"Nothing. Just talking to myself..."

The ash-blond looked around and saw two bowls with leftover kernels inside sitting on the counter. "By the way, Semi-Semi."

Eita looked over at Tendou, who had called out to him. "What did you think of the movie yesterday?"

"Movie...? Oh. Uh... It was good. I guess?"

"Really? You were saying yesterday how the beginning was garbage. I was only asking because you didn't say anything towards the end of it."


Tendou nodded.

Guess we had a movie night then... Y/N...

Eita finished up his breakfast and washed up. "Are you gonna head home now, Eita?"


"I'll drive you back then," Reon offered, getting up.



The car ride was mostly silent. But, Eita's mind certainly wasn't. He was trying to figure what happened. He was snapped out of his thoughts when Reon called his name.

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