Treasure yourself

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When was the last time you spent some time alone just getting to know yourself? That sounds silly, doesn't it? After all, if anyone knows who you are it should be you. You know your favorite food, your favorite color, your pet peeves. You know who you love and who you don't care for. You know where you work, where you live, and who you live with.

Those things aren't really you. They are a part, but only a small part of the big picture. There are parts of you inside that you don't see when you look in the mirror. Nightmares and dreams, sorrows and pleasures, sufferings and joys.

These are the things that really make up the bigger picture that is you. Other people don't have to like those things or even know about them, but you should love them. Every single one of them sets you apart from the rest of the sheep.

Are you an idealist or a realist, a romantic or a cynic? Do you see the glass half-empty, half-full, or just right?

What do you have to offer the world that only you can offer? A certain point of view? An invention that will make life better? A plan to take over the world... lol? Dig deeper, and when you have done that, dig deeper still.

Don't just live on the surface of yourself.

You don't find treasures in the earth without some digging, and you wont find those treasures in yourself without some hard work, but they are there.

You just have to dig.

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