Issue #4

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Avengers: Ironman, Thor, Captain America, Black Panther, Captain Marvel, She-Hulk, Ghost Rider, Leviathan.

Fantastic Four: Mr. Fantastic, Invisible Woman, The Thing, Human Torch.

Kree-Skrull Alliance: Hulkling, Super Skrull, Tanalth the Punisher, Captain Glory, Mur-G'nn.

Cotati: Quoi, The Swordsman.
Where should you start? Well, thanks to the alliance flagship's escape shuttles, the Kree-Skrull troops Captain Marvel risked her life to save are now on Earth taking the fight to the Cotati invaders seeking to end all animal life. Yeah. That was a good place to start.

As Kree-Skrull emperor, Hulkling has issued rules of engagement. But, despite the loyalty of his inner circle, he remains a figure head. There are cultures that traditionally make war without mercy. In the heat of battle, his rules are often ignored. Events are escalating.

That brings you to the present. You were in Avengers Mountain where Reed Richards of the Fantastic Four had called you. Said that you could help with the weapons seeing has you were the second smartest person in the world.

Tony: Thanks for coming, you two. The sooner we can find a solution to the Cotati's plant control powers, the sooner we can end this.

Tony headed to his table while Reed activated the computer.

Tony: Password for the holographic workboards is W-G-P-Zerro...

Y/N: M-Zero-T-M.

Reed: All lower cased?

Tony stayed silent for a moment as he looked at the two of you in confusion.

Tony:...How do you know my password?

Y/N: It's the first line of "Good Technology" by the Red Guitars. Third song on your Playlist.

Reed: Johnny uses a similar mnemonic system, but without the numerical substitution.

Tony: So I'm slightly smarter than Johnny Storm. Slightly.

Now that you were looking at him, he looked like a mess. Bags under his eyes with sweats and a baggy shirt. Even his beard was all scruffy.

Tony: Stupid. So stupid, Tony. The load balancer's wrong. Of course it's sparking. You didn't think. You never think.

Since the "big three" Avengers escaped from the Cotati on the moon alongside you, they've all been busy, just like you. All to your respective strengths. You were able to adapt to various situations between search and rescue and fighting along with your intelligence. Captain America is leading Earth's Heroes, super and otherwise, to fight Cotati across the world. Thor is on some mythical quest, seeking out powers only a God can access. And Tony...Tony has buried himself here.

Tony: You never think. You never...

And if you asked him, you were sure that he would say that he was working.

Tony: You never think!

He threw aside the piece of technology he had with all his strength but you manged to catch it before it could hot anything important. Reed immediately moved over and placed a hand on his shoulder.

Reed: Tony, that doesn't help...

Tony: I believed them, Reed! All of it! Every blasted word the Cotati told me...I lapped it all up and asked for seconds!

Even as he walked away, Reed held his shoulder. You knew what he was feeling. You ended up blowing up on Nadia because you couldn't help but feel guilty and overwhelmed by everything.

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