Issue #6

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Avengers: Iron Man, Captain Marvel, Black Panter, She-Hulk, Leviathan, Mantis

Fantastic Four: Mr. Fantastic, The Invisible Woman, The Human Torch, The Thing

Kree-Skrull Alliance: Emperor Hulkling, Super Skrull, Captain Glory, Mur-G'nn

Cotati: Quoi, Swordsman
Kree-Skrull Command Ship...

Y/N: Maybe I do need some sleep.

You were leaning against a wall as everyone discussed everything going on. Cap had gone radio silent on you so you were left with either staying here, or heading back to Wakanda. In your current state, you doubt you could be much help in a fight.

Sue had you on the coms ready for when they would confront Quoi and the Swordsman. They figured you could help them since you were having such odd visions. You had seen Quoi's past. Mantis' relationship with Jacques. The slaughter that started it all. Even their ultimate endgoal. It was all coming together now. The end was drawing closer than ever.

You had tried to contact Nikki, but got no response. Nothing from Nadia either. Janet was in Wakanda fighting off the invading forces while Bobbi was in Mexico somewhere dealing with the situation. Tony and Reed were still back in the Avengers Mountain. You were just stuck here with Carol and Johnny.

Mur-G'nn: You seem troubled.

You looked up to see the young space witch. Timber sat beside you, ready to go when you were. Even he seemed tired from teleporting everywhere.

Y/N: Just thinking. I've never dealt with something this large before. I've save Earth before, it wasn't ever like this though.

Mur-G'nn: Have you been an Avenger a long time?

Y/N: No. Just got recruited before you guys showed up. So, four days now? I have no idea how long it's been. I've only gotten a few hours of sleep. Bouncing around was started to tire me out but your magic seemed to help.

Mur-G'nn: I am glad I could be of assistance. Perhaps you should sleep now. My Emperor is doing so as we speak.

That's right. Carol and Super-Skrull had to practically beg him to get some rest. Skrulls didn't really get tired and Carol was the Accuser now. She didn't need rest. Johnny had caught some sleep while you were out and judging by the looks Carol was giving you, she was about ready to send you to get some rest as well. Bad news was, you ran out of Nadia's Sleep Serum.

Y/N: Nah. I'm fine.

Mur-G'nn looked at you for a moment.

Mur-G'nn: I can always preform my magic on you, but it cannot substitute sleep.

Y/N: I appreciate it regardless. So, thank you. I mean it.

Mur-G'nn looked at you oddly for a moment.

Mur-G'nn: I cannot say that anyone has thanked me as much as you have.

Y/N: Well, maybe they should.

You could swear that you saw her cheeks turn a bit purple before she smiled.

Mur-G'nn: May I do something?

Y/N: Uh, sure. Go ahead.

Mur-G'nn closed her eyes and said a silent chat to herself. You watched as her body slowly began to glow a beautiful blue before she opened her eyes.

Mur-G'nn: Protection.

She leaned in and kissed your cheek suddenly. You could immediately feel the magical effects on you body as you suddenly felt, safer.

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