Chapter 3

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Meanwhile in the countryhumans universe......

***Countryhumans France pov***
"Where the bloody hell is America?!??"

He wasn't here. He wasn't at a mandatory meeting. M.A.N.D.A.T.O.R.Y.

Sure he was late alot, but he was never gone for this long. It was almost lunchtime. I was kinda worried. Sure, he was stupid and obnoxious and had lots, and lots of faults, but he was still my son. I wasn't so sure about Britain, though.

There has always been an extremely strained relationship between Ame and Britan. It went as far as two wars. Honestly Ame was kinda dumb to just up and have two wars with him. But I supported him like the mother I am. I don't think Britan sees himself as Ames parent.

And here he is, yelling about him in front of everyone.

It's normal.

Honestly I agree with everything he is saying, but I don't want to say anything.

But seriously, if he isn't here by lunch, then I'm going to be very worried.

And then 5 minutes later, U.N. relases us for lunch and he still isn't here. 

Could something have happened? Or is he just being his stupid self? I don't think even he would risk everyone's wrath no matter how idiotic he is. I head over to my usual table, still lost in thought. I almost trip over Botswana. 

"Hey, watch it!" He yells as he walks away. "Sorry!" I yell back. I make it to the table without tripping over any other nations, and sit down. I pull out my lunch, a baguette, cheese, and wine.

"Hi mom! Its a beautiful day, eh?" Canada says to me as I sit down. "Yeah, it is." He frowns. I think he can tell that something is wrong. Apparentley Aussie can too, because he asks me. "Whats wrong mom?" I reply with the honest truth. "I'm worried about Ame." I'm greeted with shocked faces. "Mom-" Zealand starts to say, but I cut him off. "Let me finish. He isn't at a mandatory meeting. He's always late, but to miss the meeting up till lunch? That isn't like him. And have you noticed how he always seems tired? And why does he NEVER take of his sunglasses? Hes hiding something. Im worried he isn't here because something happened. Something bad." 

My ramble is met by worried faces. They get it now. "Well, who cares. With how stupid he was acting, I'm not surprised. Whatever it is, he deserves it." Its Britan. I guess not all of them get it. 

"Lets ignore your father for now, Oui? (Oui is yes in french) I say, glaring at him. 

Aussie brings up the current events. In America, of course. A sharp gasp comes from him. Nada immediately gets really worried. "What is it?" He says, urgently. "Hes number one... for Covid-19. There are 5.05 million cases in the United States. Everyone looks shocked. Even Britan. 

And then all of a sudden Nada disappears. 

Just like that. He just dissapears. Is that what happened to Ame? Is that why he's gone? No, I can't start jumping to conclusions.  

"Australia, put the phone down." Britan says. "But dad! This shit is fucking crazy, mate." I notice that Aussie is staring at the screen with a shocked face jaw wide open. Is it that bad?

No, it can't be. Besides, we have other things to worry about. "Aussie dear, Nada just randomly disappeared." As expected, he looks more shocked. 

"Well shi-"

He doesn't get to finish, as he dissapears as well.

**Countryhumans Australia pov***

Suddenly I was in a meeting room. Nada was next to me. We look at each other, wondering where the fuck we are.

And then I notice how loud the meeting room is. It's filled with the sound of insults. And now.... Smacking sounds?? Wtf?

And then there's German sounding yelling. "EVERYVONE SHUT UP!" The German says. "VE HAVE A SITUATION THAT CANNOT BE SOLVED VITH INSULTS! Even if I do aggre with them."

He notices us.

"Oy mate" I say to him. "Would you mind telling us where the fuck we are?"

A small voice pipes up. "Are you me from another universe like the other America is, eh?"

The voice belongs to a Canadian. He's holding a polar bear?? And then the polar bear talks??? Wtf is going on, mate.

"Who are you?" The bear asks the Canadian. "I'm Canada." Ok, no.

Nada gets all offended and goes into a Canadian rage, and that basically means not being completely calm.

"It's not very nice to pretend to be someone,eh?"

And then the last person I expected to see walks up to me and Nada.

"Hi guys, basically your in a different dimension, and these are different types of country personifications. Also, your pets might randomly appear."

He still has that million dollar smile on, but with what I've seen in the news im wondering if that smile is real.

"Ok mate but WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!?" Is what I say, but I what I really want to say, and do, is put my hands on his sholders, and the sholders of whoever the other him is in this universe, and ask them if they are ok. And make them not lie.

I want to ask them who George Floyd is, ask them why the hell Americans are burning buildings, ask them if they're ok, because burning hurts, I know that first-hand, I wanna ask them if the economy is ok, I want to ask them what the fuck is up with your covid numbers, I want to ask them what that strange black fist means, I want to ask about the election, because apparently that's happening, I want to ask so many questions.

I want to help them.

But I can't do that right now.

Right now all I can do is ask my America what the hell is up with the alternative dimension thing.

That is far from what I want to do.

I will find a way to ask them. I'll do more research. I'll do something.

Whatever it takes.

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