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A/N: Hey everyone! I decided to write this book with chapters which are shorter in length as compared to my last novels. I think it just flows much better this way! Also if anyone wants to create a cover for this novel feel free to (idk what to put as the cover atm hehe). Happy reading!

Your POV

How can one posses this level of beauty?

A question which would incessantly reappear within my train of thoughts as I viewed his figure from afar, his laughter ringing through the air of the cafeteria.

Beauty. It's a vague topic, but is generally associated with one's external appearance. Internal beauty was recognised by numerous, however, was it truly considered by individuals?

Go Eun Kyung. The campus beauty. My best friend.

Yoon Y/N. Me. Her ugly best friend.

Eun Kyung would constantly reassure me when I broke down, telling me beauty was on the basis of one's personality, however, why did most people consider looks as the first thing on other individuals?

As I viewed his eyes make contact with mine, I immediately feel myself look down into my lap, before shifting my gaze back to his figure, moving towards our direction.

Is he going to talk to me?

"Hey! Would you mind if I grabbed your number?" he lightly smirks, his gaze trained on her.

Of course, who wouldn't want Eun Kyung's number. I am not within his beauty standards, and I need to accept that and wish them the best.

"Sure!" I viewed him feed his phone number in her phone before he sends a wink in her direction, and walks back to his group of friends.

"Y/Nie...I know you like him, so I decided to get his number for you."

"Hey! You know I'm not pretty enough for him, and he likes you! I want you to try and get along with him, you really deserve him."

"But I don't like him at all! In fact, I wanted to give his number to you. You can talk to him, impersonating me. Just make sure you tell me what he says so if he talks to me I know what's going on! I'm not the best at talking to guys anyways..."

"But I don't like the idea of impersonating you..."

"Please! Just this once!"

"Fine, but promise me you will try to get to know him..."

"Alright, I promise. But if you feel uncomfortable at any point please let me know!"

"Of course!"

"Here's his number," she takes my phone from me and enters the number before deleting the contact in her phone.

"Are you sure about this?"

"Yes, I am very sure!"

"Alright! I'll call you whenever I message him so you know what's going on."

"Sure thing, I'm going to head home now."

"Lucky! I have math now."

"I don't understand how you're able to do university level math! But apparently he's in that class as well, maybe you'll become friends with him! And who knows what that may lead to?" she wiggles her eyebrows as I lightly smack her on her shoulder.

"Pshh, as if that will happen. Anyways, I'll see you soon then!"

"Yup! See ya!" we both part ways, as I make my way to the classroom, which held two students, and now three, including me.

I take my seat and extract my notebook and pen from my bag as students continuously filed into the classroom, chattering filling the walls of the room.

"HEY! CAN'T YOU SEE WHERE YOU'RE WALKING?" I heard a familiar voice shout as my gaze shifts to Jackson, my childhood friend, covered in ice coffee.

I immediately stand up, knowing that he can get riled up quite rapidly.

"Jackson-ah!" I walk over as he looks at me, his gaze softening a bit.

I turn to see who had dropped the coffee, and had been faced with the man I had been in love for 2 years. Park Jimin.

"You're Eun Kyung's friend, right?"

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