1~ Norman

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Norman walked up to me giving me his normal closed-eyed smile. I smiled back my cheeks softly burning I quickly look away when he opens his eyes.
I was so tense and couldn't help but blush while around Norman. He made me warm inside. It had felt like this for years (in this they are around the ages 11-15 and get shipped out at 16)
I feel my face suddenly cool down and I turn back to Norman who was awkwardly staring at me slightly concerned about why I turned away. I smile and his concern fades into a calm look.
"Hey, I've noticed you're failing your tests recently." He says. I go silent for a moment. He was right. When I shared my scores they weren't that high. I nod and glance up at him.
"Yeah... I'm not doing so great." I mumble and he nods.
"Yeah, I can tell." He says and sighs.
"I can help you if you'd like." He offers. My eyes widened.
"Really!?!" I ask excitedly. I really needed the help and I was happy that he offered.
"Of course!" He says smiling his usual calm smile. My cheeks turn a slight pink.
"C'mon let's go into the library." He says walking passed me. I felt his hand pat my head. Then ruffled my hair.
"Hay!" I say softly smacking his hand away. He chuckles and I turn and follow him to the library.
He pulls out a seat and walks over and grabs a book from the bookshelf. I sit in the seat he pulled out and he sits across from me.
He places the book down along with a pencil and paper.
And for hours he helped you as much as he could. Until.
"Y/n." He says. I look up from the book.
"Uhm. Yeah?" I ask. My eyes were droopy I was tired.
"We should head to dinner. I can tell you are getting tired and I'm starving." He said.
The mention of dinner made my stomach growl. I nodded and rose from my seat helping him put the books away. We both walk out into the hall. I watch as Phil runs past us and soon was followed by Don who was chasing him. I chuckled. 
I felt a hand pat my head. I felt nice for a moment but I softly slap it away. Norman chuckles and I walk to the Dining room.
Mom smiles softly at us and sits down. We say grace and start eating. I glance at Emma who was talking with Norman. I sighed and stared at my skirt my hands still above it. I softly grip the bottom of my skirt and close my eyes.
I hate feeling this way.
My feelings aren't that important but I hate being so Jealous of Emma. Norman obviously loves her and I can't change that. I just have to deal with loving a guy who will never feel the same.
I fight back tears and blink them away. I look up to see Phil staring at me concerned. I softly smile making his concern fade.. soon enough we all finish eating and I help Ray wash dishes.

"Hey, you good." He asks
You turn to him.
"Yeah," I say and he smiles.
"Oh, can you help me and Norman with breakfast in the morning?" He says and I nod smiling.
"Of course," I say.
"Thanks." He says turning his attention back to the dishes.
I did the same. Once we finished we whipped our hands on the towel and make our way to our shared room. Ray, Norman, and Emma were in the same room. I was separated from them. I was in another room that I shared with little kids and I also shared it with Don and Gilda. I sighed and got into bed. I closed my eyes felt the darkness swallow me.

I bolted up. My cheeks were stained with dry and wet tears. I sniffled and gasped. My breathing was uneven. I felt more tears stream down my face. I get up and walk to the bathroom. I stared into the mirror my eyes slightly red. I had another bad dream. These were something that happened nightly. I placed my elbows on the counter and laid my head in my hands as I calmed myself. I could never remember the nightmares. I just know they were bad. And I always woke up crying. But why?. I strain myself trying to remember making my head softly ache. I sighed and got out of the bathroom and got a cup of water. I drank some of it and drew in a deep breath.

I take a moment and finally my head clears. Soon the thought of cookies swarmed my head. I walked into the kitchen and my eyes glowed as I stared at the cookie jar. I smiled and reached for it. Finally, I had the jar in my hands. I place it on the counter and slowly twist the top of it as it opens. I shove my hand in the jar and suddenly feel a hand in my shoulder. After my nightmare, it wasn't the best time so I drop the cookie and flinch back lunging into the wall while shrieking. Before my back can hit the wall a hand grabs mine and pulls me into them. It all happened so fast I couldn't see who it was. I looked up to see Norman. He had tired eyes and his hair was a bit of a mess from just waking up.
"Norman what are you doing down here?!" I yelled in a whisper.
"To get water and I heard a noise coming from in here. So I came to check it out. Why are you awake?" He asks.
"I- Uhm," I mumble. I back up so I can look him in the eyes. I studied his face. He was so calm. He had his normal soft smile.
"I- had a nightmare." I stutter.
"Again." He said and pulled me closer into a hug. He laid my head on his chest and wrapped one arm around my back and placed his other on my head softly stroking my head.
"Norman-" I say slightly shook from the sudden hug. I softly hug him back.
"What was it about?" He asks. I shake my head.
"I have no clue. I keep having the same nightmare but I can never remember what happened." I said and he nods.
"Well try not to think anything of it alright." He says and I nod. I look up to see him softly smiling down at me. I pull away I could feel my face heating up. I turn for a sec to cool down then turn to him. He was so respectful.
"Well, I'll walk you to the room alright." He says and I nod. We both walk upstairs and finally we make it to the room door.

"See you tomorrow." He says and starts to walk away. But... everything was telling me not to let him go. I hesitate but grab his hand and he runs confusedly.
"Yes?" He says.
"Can you. Stay?" I ask.
"I know it's sudden and you don't have to if you don't want to but at least stay till I sleep," I say and he smiles but then had a small look of retreat.
"What if mom comes." He says.
"I'll hide you or something," I say. He sighs and smiles before patting my head.
"I'm just messing with you." He says. I smile and we walk to my bed. I sit in the bed and he sits next to me.
"C'mon." He says and lays down. I lay down next to him. The bed was small but thankfully we could fit. I felt my face flush red. I looked down to hide it. I felt myself drifting to sleep. Until. I get a short dream. Norman's body lifeless in front of me. I open my eyes. A tear drops as I glance at Norman who is looking at me confused.
"You okay?.." he asked groggily. He was falling asleep but had seen me wake up. I felt bad for keeping him up.
"It's nothing," I say and scoot a bit closer to Norman. Norman smiled and wrapped his arm around me. I smiled and closed my eyes. Allowing myself to fall asleep feeling safe with him...

The next morning I woke up. I was in Norman's arms. My eyes widened and I bolted up. But softly making sure I didn't wake him. I turn and look at the time. I sighed in relief seeing that everyone was asleep and wouldn't wake up until an hour. I smile and look at Norman. I lay down next to him and softly move the hair out of his face. Soon his eyes squinted and opened. I smiled brightly. He noticed he had fallen asleep. His arm loosely around my torso. He smiled and I sighed.
WHY DOES HE DO THIS TO ME!?!? He doesn't understand how much I wish I could be with him. But u couldn't for so many reasons, one.. because our mother wouldn't allow it. We may not be blood-related but mother wouldn't frown upon it cause we would call each other siblings. And two.. he doesn't feel the same. I knew he had feelings for Emma. So there was no hope...
he noticed my mood change and became concerned.
"You okay?" I notice how I was showing my emotion. I cleared it up and smiled.
"Mhm. We should get out. So we don't get caught." I say. He nods and we sit up... I stand up and so does he. We walk to the door and I smile and softly wave. He waves back and walks out and into his room across the hall.
Soon I hear Emma yell for everyone to wake up. I smiled and rolled my eyes. I take my clean clothes and change. I walk into the kitchen. I saw Norman and Ray getting started on making food. I smiled and helped them.

Finally, when we finished I looked down at the food. It looked great! Soon we set the table up and mom walked down smiling at our hard work.
"It looks great you guys!" She cheers as kids slowly start to fill the Cafeteria.
I aran to my seat and sat down. I glanced at Emma who was getting prepared for grace. I turn and see Ray he looked. I turned to see Conny walk down. I smiled as she sat down. It was her last day here. I couldn't believe it. Obviously, everyone leaves eventually. But it was always sad to watch them go. And even though some promised to send letters. Nobody did. Which was weird... I pushed that thought aside as everyone talked and ate. But I never had anyone to talk to during this time of day. I was either eating or already finished staying quiet. But.. this time.
"Hey Y/n." I hear Norman's calm voice say. I smile and lookup.
"Yeah Norman?" I say smiling.
He nodded giving a slightly concerned look... this was his way of him asking if I was okay. I nodded and smiled.
"Yeah! I'm all good!" I say and he smiles.
Everyone finishes eating and it was time to take the tests.
We all walked towards the room. I felt a shoulder slightly hit against mine. I turn meeting Normans' soft gaze. I smiled and sighed. Then I dropped my head down.
"I'm so nervous. I'm afraid I might not pass it again." I say and he smiles.
"I believe in you!" Norman says cheerfully. My heart warms and my stomach swarms. The blood rushed to my cheeks.
"That's Norman," I say smiling. Those words gave me so much courage. And I couldn't even tell why.

All the kids walked into the room. They all sat their desk some already ready for the test to start. I calmed myself. Soon enough the test starts and I quickly start to go through everything.

Let's hope I get this right.

A/N end of page one! I hope you enjoyed it!

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