2~ Connie

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The test finished. My hand trembled I sighed and laid back in my chair. Norman noticed how tense I was. God that boy can read right through me. I felt a hand touch my shoulder. I flinch and turn to him.
"Don't worry... you did well." He says. I tilt my head in confusion.
"I can't be sure. But I'm sure you did great! You're a fast learner. I could tell when I helped you last night. Your all good." He said and I nodded.
"Thank you, Norman," I reply making him give me a calm smile nodding. His hand left my shoulder and I look up at mom. Who was checking the scores?
"Good job everyone!" She says. She looks down at her paper.
"Ray, Norman, Emma, And Y/n." She said in a stern voice.
"Great job! You all scored the highest scores!" She congratulated. My eyes widened.
"Great job guys!" Everyone cheered. My heart warmed. I turned to Norman and smiled brightly.
"Thank you." I mouthed to him. He nodded.
"Of course." He whispered.
Everyone rose from their seats and made their way outside.
"Hey! Y/n! Norman! Let's go play tag!" She says and I turn and nod. Norman agreed and we all run outside.
Immediately everyone pointed to Norman saying he's going to be it.
He sighed and laughed.
"Again?" He says getting yes's and nods from everyone.
"Alright go hide." He says and covers his eyes. Ray starts a timer and I ran over to Emma.
"Let's team-up. We are normally the last ones so I thought it would be a good idea." I say and she nods agreeing. We took a turn in the forest.
"Alright where?" I ask.
"Let's not exactly hide together. But hide near each other." She says I nod. I jump into a bush. I pull a bunch of leaves and place them in my hair to help blend in. And Emma climbs a tree nearby. And now we wait. Soon I hear a bunch of kids running. And.. extra footsteps. Norman was chasing them. I shuffled a bit hiding more into the bush. I hear him run past. I take a risk and look through a small part where I can peep. He had his back turned. He was looking side to side before he started to walk away. But. He trips. I hesitate but I watch as Emma jumps down.
"Norman!" She says. He pats her shoulder.
"Got you." He says. She groans.
"Oh come on!" She says before starting to go to the front. Norman runs away. I sigh. I would like to go back to the front and claim my victory but I could be wrong about the time. And if it's not up I could get caught. I decided to stay put. Norman passes by again. I go silent. He runs over to the front.
Did I win?
I lift my head up then fully stand up. I brush the leaves off my hair and clothes and quietly try and get out of the bush. A crunch is heard. I gasp and turn. And the trip. But I didn't fall. My chin went against something soft and two arms wrap around me catching me Thais arms hanging loosely around my waist. but...
One hand was.. a little lower than where my waist is (beginning of your thigh)
I open my eyes and turn to see Norman's white locks of hair. I blush uncontrollably. And when Norman Notices he lets go slightly pushing me away.
"Y/n I'm so sorry!!" He says his cheeks a soft red.
"It's okay. D-don't worry." I say and blush softly.
"I caught you though!" He says and I nod.
"Yeah, yeah," I mumble and we walk over to everyone. They start waving.
"Good job!"
"He caught you!"
"Where did you hide!"
Everyone asked a bunch of questions. I smiled.
"I hid in a bush, nothing much happened he just found me, and thanks," I answer to them. And Norman smiles.
I smile blushing LIKE CRAZY- I swear he makes me
I n s a n e
I feel like he's purposely doing this to me!
I sigh and look at the house.
"I'm going in for a bit," I say. I walk to the house hearing Phil and other little kids complain about me leaving early.

I walk up the stairs and go to our shared room.
I sit on my bed and lay down clearing my thoughts. I felt the need to be alone... but I couldn't understand why. I sighed and shoved my head into the pillow.
"It's Norman," I mumbled. I figured out why I felt this way. Norman. Got this guy is killing me! And he doesn't know it. I love him so much I have for years now. And today this happens. But I know loving him is no use seeing as though he likes Emma. Causing my heartache... I groaned and shoved my face more into the pillow.
"It's useless," I mumble.
"What is?" I hear a voice near the door. I bolt my head up and turn seeing Ray. I could recognize his raven hair anywhere.
"Nothing," I grumble falling back my head falling into the pillow.
"Your lovesick." He says making my eyes widened.
"What?" I mumble and drew in a shaky breath.
"Your lovesick." He repeats.
"Oh come on don't act like I don't realize how much you blush over Norman just breathing." He says chuckling at what he said.
"I- I do not!" Y/n said bolting up.
Ray chuckled again and sat down next to me. "You're a horrible liar." He says earning a chuckle from me. Soon Norman and Emma walked inside. I glanced at Norman as he stared at Ray, then me, then the floor, is he okay? You pushed it aside.
"Need something?" I ask.
"Connie wants to play tag again and asked us to come to get you," Emma says. I nod and get up walking over followed by Ray.
"Let's go," I say and Emma smiles. Ray and Emma walk out and I glance at Norman. I hesitate but touch his shoulder.
"You okay?" I ask. He turns to me giving me the Normal calm smile he always uses. But I could tell he really wasn't in a smiling mood.
"Yeah!" He says and I try to lighten it more.
"Race you outside." I challenge. I softly kick Norman's leg. Hard enough to make his trip but not fully fall over and become injured. I start to run across the hall.
I kept running soon hearing Norman catch up as his chuckles were heard behind me. I ran as quick as she could but a hand grabbed turned and tripped over collapsing on whatever was in front of me... I tried to stop and I placed my hands on the floor. My palms hurt from the sudden force but I didn't have time to worry about that. I lift myself more and open my eyes. Norman was under me. I immediately got up.
"I'm sorry Norman!" I yell and he chuckles sitting up.
"It's alright." He says. I look at him. He was panting softly and smiling calmly. A drip of sweat ran down my forehead. I felt the blood rush to my cheeks so I stand and hold out my hand. He takes it and gets up. I smile and it soon turns into a smirk. I turn around and start to run. But before I can a hand grabbed me and pushed me back. Norman ran out and I grunted. I ran after him. Soon enough we made it to the tree. I fall over onto the grass and pant heavily. Norman stops placing his hands on his knees panting as well.
"Jeez... Did you just run a marathon?!" Ray asks.
"Feels like it," Norman says. I nod agreeing.
I get up and we all turn to Connie.
"Who's going to be i-" before I can finish everyone screamed Norman. As expected.
"Norman. Don't you ever want a break?" I ask. He chuckles.
"No. It's fine." He says and I nod. Norman placed his head into his hands closing his eyes before starting to count.
"1!" He yelled. Everyone bolted into the forest as per usual.
I followed Everyone and soon split up. It's good to stay away from large groups. So I normally take my own path. other than the times I've gone with Emma. Or Ray when he rarely played.

I quickly ran to the tallest tree. When Norman is it I try to make it impossible for him to find me. And I almost do until he finds me. I climb upward and find a semi-comfortable and strong branch to hold me upon. I sigh as I lay my back against the trunk and let my arms loosely hang. I close my eyes and relax. Suddenly I hear a kid screaming below me.
"Emma!" They yelled. I guess they were looking for her. I look below to see Norman chasing him. I chuckled softly in my palm. I wait as they pass before laughing a bit. I placed my head against the tree again. To then hear some noises below. Once again I look down to see Norman staring up into the tree. I go still. He looks confused I quickly climb up another branch but quietly. My heart stops when he starts to climb up. I gulp in a bit before climbing up more. Soon I noticed I was far away from the bottom. I wasn't afraid of heights but the thought of falling from here gave me chills. But either way, I climb farther up. Soon a branch seemed a bit small. And that's when I realized I was really close to the top. My heart shrank. I turned to see Norman who wasn't below me. He stopped climbing up. I sighed and tried to climb down when. The branch snapped. I gasped as I lost my grip in another branch causing me to fall. My arms and legs hit against Branches and leaves while falling. Soon one leg slams against a branch. Sharp pains ran through my body as I teared up. I tensed my boys getting ready for impact.
My back soon hit.. a branch. I winced in pain. But it didn't hurt as much as I imagined. I slowly open one eye to reveal me on a thick branch. I guess it saved me. I felt my body become weak. I turned over to see I was close to the ground not too far up. I sit up making my whole body have sharp pains. I wince again.
"How will I get down.." I thought as my body trembled. I was in straight pain. It sucked. I slowly lift myself trying to push away the pain. I place my right leg down on a branch. And my left on the other. I glanced at my left leg and then my right. Both covered in bruises and scratches. But the right one was bleeding. I winced. I couldn't do it. I sat on the thick branch.
Tears softly streamed down my face. I look down. Norman...
"I knew you were here!" He said and I got hope.
"Help me Norman!" I cried and his facial expression turns to concern.
"What's wrong." He asks.
"I'm stuck," I say not wanting to say more due to being in pain. He nods and climbs up. Soon when he reaches me he stares at my scratched and bruised legs and arms. And at the blood runs down them. He goes into shock and jumps to my branch.
He grabs me and pulls me into him. He hugs me tightly. I wince he noticed this and he hugs softer.
"I'm sorry. How did this happen?" He asks. I move my arms to wrap around him.
"I fell," I said softly a tear leaving my eyes.
"It will be okay." He says pulling me in more. I smiled softly wincing. He climbed down one branch letting go of me. I look down at him. He holds his hands out.
"Don't worry it's okay." He says. I smile and Lower my legs slowly towards him. He holds his arms up higher. I slowly lift myself as I inch closer. Finally, I get the courage to jump. He grabs ahold of me and I tremble. His hands holding onto my elbows.
"You okay?" He asks I nod.
We do this 5 more times and finally get to the bottom. He jumps down and turns to me. I've gotten better by this time. I lift myself off and land on my legs. I get slightly weak and slump over. My legs trying hard not to give up on me I lift myself up. Norman smiles and puts his arm around me soon holding me up from my stomach. I smile weakly as we walk to the building. Once we get there kids swarm around us. 
They filled the silence with questions.
"Don't worry she just fell it's alright," Norman says. Mom looks over in worry.
She picks me up. I wince and I look at Norman. He was so respectful. I smiled.
"Thank you," I said and he nodded. Mom walked back into the orphanage. Followed by Norman. She placed me on the bed in the infirmary  and sat down next to me. She grabbed a bowl with warm water, a cotton ball, bandages, and cleaning alcohol. She grabs the cotton ball and some of the alcohol on it. She placed it against my stretches. I winced and squinted my eyes. I felt it on my leg and squeezed the sheets.
"Ouch-" I mumbled. She sighed and put on the bandages. She cleaned the blood with the warm water and finished... I sighed as I laid back.
"Just rest." She says and pulls up the covers before walking out. I closed my eyes and turned. Soon falling asleep.

A/N hope you enjoyed it! It's a bit shorter but I've been really tired recently! Sorry.

Norman x reader जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें