The fall

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Minghao was the boy everyone fell in love with at Hit academy.

No matter what sexuality you presented as, one glance at him would make your heart melt.

The worst part about it was, he had a huge heart. Each time he turned down a confession, he would hurt a bit.

He didn't want to turn down these lovely people but he knew that he couldn't return the same love back to them.

Minghao never wants to give someone false hope. So when he found himself sitting at his 3rd confession this week his heart shattered a bit.

His beautiful brown eyes stared at the setting sun in the school garden. Fist bawled with a pink paper, soaked in floral scented perfume.

While waiting, the boy sat next to a pond with koi fish. He watched as the peaceful fish swam in circles.

The edge of his lips tugged into a cute smile, followed by his tiny giggles.

That's when he heard small twigs being snapped, signaling that someone else was with the boy.

Minghao lifted himself up and turned around, to be faced with a female. Her hair was chocolate brown, stopping just before her chest.

"Oh. Hi Sana." Minghao smiled at the nervous girl. She fiddled with her hands looking up at the slightly taller male.

"H-hi M-Minghao. H-how are you?" She calmed herself stepping forward towards the boy.

"I'm fine. Are you? You look a little sick." Minghao asked worried. He walked towards her and put the back of his hand gently on her forehead. "Oh my! You're burning up! D-do you need the nurse?"

"I- no I-I am p-perfectly f-fine." Sana exclaimed removing his hand off her head, taking it into her own. "But I have something to tell you."

Minghao looks at her confused for a second before it clicked. "Oh! You must be the one behind this letter!"

Sana nodded. "Minghao. I really like you. Like a lot. And I know all the girls and guys have always tried to be with you but I think I'm different. Maybe we could date. I would treat you right and make you smile every day."

Minghao only smiled at that with a sad expression. "Oh Sana, that sounds wonderful. But my heart isn't in the position to be in love right now. Maybe if the right person for me comes along. Then. But for now I cannot except your confession."

He sighed looking at the foreign girl. Sana's eyes began to drip with salty tears. The boys eyes got wide as he was now fully worried. His hands gently made their way to her face wiping away the salty water.

"B-but, if it makes it any better I do know someone who does feel this way for you, maybe you could give them a chance." He smiled letting go of her, stepping back.

As if almost on queue, another girl showed up. Her hands held a bouquet of red flowers.

"M-Mina?" Sana gasped seeing the girl step closer.

Minghao smiled and grabbed his bag. Once he grabbed his bag he slung it over his shoulder walking to the frozen female.

He hugged her, melting away her statue like stance. "Please just give it a shot, who knows this maybe your future."

And with that, the boy walked away leaving the two girls alone.


"Oh man i'm gonna be late. Papa's gonna be so mad at me." Minghao gasped looking at the time on his phone. Currently it was 6:56.

The sun was setting but wasn't fully down, so the day light helped him find his way home.

"I shouldn't have signed up for dance if I knew it would be this late!" He huffed running as fast as his legs could take him.

Just as he was about to turn the corner, CRASH!

"Ouch my head." Minghao whined holding his head. He looked for the reason why he was hit with such force only to be met with a stone-cold face rubbing their head.

"Fuck, watch where you-" The male stopped scolding the younger for a second. Taking in all his features.

"Oh! Are you ok! I-I'm sorry. I didn't watch where I was going and I was in a rush and didn't see and now your on the floor and I am too and- OH MY Y-YOUR BLEEDING!" Minghao gasped attempting to touch the boys wounds.

Once he did the other winced at the touch of his cold fingers brushing against his bruised skin. He didn't say anything all he did was look at the smaller, who at this point was fully panicking.

"Let me take you to my house! I-I'll fix you right up!" Minghao attemped to pick up the boy, but he was to large for his fragile frame.

The boy only stared into the others eyes. Making him shrink under his icy cold glare.

"W-well? I-is that ok?" Minghao asked waving a hand before the others eyes.

This made him snap out of his daze, standing up straight by himself. "I am fine."

Before walking away fast. Not even letting the smaller fight against it.

"That was, weird?" He shook his head returning home, but slower.

Meanwhile, the older boy was having a crisis. As soon as he got away from the boys line of vision, he ran. Ran far, probably into an alley.

He clenched onto his heart as he felt it heavily beat inside his chest trying to escape. His breathing got harder as he thought of the smaller boy.

"S-shit." For him he's never felt this emotion before, or none for that matter.

But that one bump in, made him fall, fall hard.

"Get it together, Junhui." He gasped, heavily walking away.

Hello! Recently my mental health has been doing horrible but I managed to pull this out. I hope this will do as well as my BTS family story.

Thank you to everyone who has waited for me to come back a write something. I took my time with this chapter and attempted to fix any errors I saw on my skim.

Thank you everyone and I love y'all! Let me know what you think!

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