The deadly treatment

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One day, a new boy came to Raimon Junior High called Haruto Kizunaro. He ended up going to the same class as Tenma and his other first year friends, the brunet himself was also asked to take the boy for a tour around the school and Tenma for being who he is, gladly accepted it, so after class was finished, they went straight to the tour, but what Tenma didn't notice were the perverted and hungry eyes that Haruto has been giving him ever since he came, though that wasn't the case with Tsurugi and Kariya. Those two have noticed right off the bat those lustful eyes of the new student, and they didn't like them at all, in fact, ever since they've noticed them, they've been spreading off a dark vibe/energy, almost murderous

'Haruto better be ready for an early death.' Aoi, Shinsuke and Hikaru were praying that by some miracle, the two wouldn't go too harsh on the new kid, but they pretty much knew that their small little wish would be in vain.


As Tenma was showing Haruto around the school, he still didn't notice the seductive eyes that the other was giving him, but other people did, more specifically Shindou, Kirino and Kurama (yup, I'm adding him to the mix), and one could say that they were even more pissed off than the two juniors. They obviously didn't recognise Haruto, so they assumed that he was new, which of course wasn't a problem, the problem was his perverted lust that was clearly reflecting in his eyes, which was going stupidly undetected by the clueless Tenma. The three of them also began spreading a murderous aura which doesn't go undetected by their friends

'Oh geez...' The other seniors from the soccer club already knew what it meant, since they've also seen what they've seen. The aura was so dark, to the point where the seniors didn't have the balls to stop them, not even Sangoku.

After the tour, Tenma excused himself by going to the washroom while Haruto couldn't take his eyes off of him, but suddenly he felt a sharp pain behind his neck that goes numb in the matter of a split second, and after that, all he could see was black.


After who-knows-how-long, Haruto finally opened his eyes, only to find himself tied to a bench, in front of what looked like to be the soccer field, but what really stood out to him were the five boys in front of him, two of which he clearly recognised, and the other ones he had no idea who they were, but basing off of the uniform they were obviously students as well, though there was something weird, more like scary about them, an aura that made him sweat and shiver all at the same time, he wanted to scream but his mouth was wrapped up with a cloth. One of them, which he identified as Tsurugi, came up to him, lifted his chin and said

"Now listen up you bastard, dare to lay a finger on Tenma and we will make your life worse than a living hell, you got it?"

"No one touches OUR Tenma, especially perverts like you." Said Kirino while resting his hand on the back of the bench and slightly leaning his body, but still glaring at the frightened student. The said student was terrified, he didn't know what was going on, he thought that these guys were complete psychopaths

"If you're thinking we're psychos then you may be right, but we're only crazy for OUR BELOVED TENMA~." He didn't know if Kariya has read his mind or something along those lines, but that statement only made this situation even scarier

"Now you better listen to us. Make him cry, we'll cut your tongue off, make him suffer, we'll return the pain by doubling it, make a move on him, we'll make your life miserable as hell, to the point where you'll be begging for death." Haruto didn't recognise Kurama at all, but he certainly was the scariest out of the bunch so far

"And~, if you dare to tell anyone else about today, hehehe... You'll see what's gonna happen or better said, FEEL what's gonna happen~." Said Shindou as he took out an utility knife out of his pocket, Haruto was definitely scared to death at this point. And without even realizing, Tsurugi has already released him and they had already walked away, leaving him there sweating and panting in cold sweat, but then a voice brought him back to reality

"Seems like they got you pretty good~." Haruto easily identified the owner of the voice just by hearing it, but he still turned his head to check, and by the goalpost stood the boy he was warned not to mess with, Matsukaze Tenma

"Ho... How long have you been there...?"

"The whole time." Haruto was creeped out, not because the brunet saw everything and didn't do anything, but because he sounded really calm, too calm to be precise, almost as if he was talking about the weather

"And why didn't you do anything...?" Truthfully, Haruto wanted to scream at him, but after thinking things through, it wasn't a good idea, besides he still had a hard time finding his voice, Tenma on the other hand, giggled sinisterly

"Why~? Because you deserved it~. Don't think that I haven't seen you looking at me like a damn old pervert, you were so fucking obvious and I suggest you to listen to them, 'cause this ain't the first time that they've done something like this. And allow me to say something myself, do something unwanted to them, I'll triple the amount in return." Right after he said that, the brunet walked away, leaving Haruto frozen in time.

After that day, Haruto has been very cautious of his actions around the brunet and the five boys, and everyone in the soccer team has noticed the big change and they weren't surprised, they all knew that Haruto must've gotten the 'deadly treatment' as they like to call it, but what they didn't know is the additional warning that the seemingly innocent brunet has left once the treatment was done.


So... Who saw Tenma coming!?

I'm gonna be honest here, he was like a last second idea that just came to my head, I wasn't planning for him to be part of the 'deadly treatment'.

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