Chapter 2

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Cow fart is toxic to humans. It can cause rapid breathing. Rapid heart rate. Or even worse. Death.Master was without that valuable knowledge. In the morning we were all simply grazing on grass, minding our own business and getting brushed. This blue eyed old man was brushing my friend Earl's tail. Little did we know our lives would drastically change at,




Earl farted.

The person brushing him didn't bother. He thought it would just smell bad, like every other human's fart.

That man fainted.

The girl brushing me looked over and whimpered at first, then flat-out screamed. The person brushing Luna glanced over at the man who fainted and rushed to Master. Master came outside and saw Earl's brusher fainted. He immediately called someone and picked up the man brushing Earl and took him inside his barn. As soon as I heard the noise sounding like, "WEE-OOOW WEE-OOOW WEE-OOOW" It hurt my ears so much. They rushed the man who fainted inside the van. Inside the Master's barn, I heard someone say cow fart and ER. I tried to connect the two. Sadly, I was unsuccessful. I told all my friends about what I heard.

I told Earl, Luna, Dad, Bob, Angus, Tank, Diesel, Rose, Daisy, Maggie, Esmeralda, Shelly, Lois and Candie.

I have lots of friends, yet sadly none of them could connect the two. Angus was the only one who said he would continue trying. I wished I could eavesdrop more, but it was all muffled. I spoke to Angus about what else I heard he said he almost got it! Angus loves me more than his silage, so I 

could count on him for whatever I need.

During the night, Angus started running towards me. He isn't very... athletic, but there he was running as if there were a pack of angry farmers behind him. I was wondering what happened. He opened the door to my barn with such a bang I felt like the entire farm would wake up."Nina, Nina, I figured it out! I was thinking all day, and I thought, well, what does ER mean? And why did guy faint? And then I was thinking..." Angus rambled. As much as I love him, he goes off topic a lot. That's why we work so well together, he's really smart, and I'm really focused."Angus," I start, "slow your roll! Take deep breaths and get to the point." With that, he takes a 

deep breath, and tells me something that changes my entire cow life.

"Cow fart is toxic to humans."


I realized now cows were safe from all harm that humans gave us. I then realized that we couldn't control our farts. Could we? Either ways I didn't want to try because it sounds disgusting. But another side of me was saying maybe I could get this right, I could find out what Luna meant. But then my brain shut down the idea. I stood there for about one minute after he said that. Angus was just looking at me, and I was just thinking. Then Angus broke the silence by saying, "So? What do you think?" "I don't know. This is too much for my cow brain to process. Meet me tomorrow, ok? Because I'm too tired." I went to sleep and thought about my mother when I was a calf, I would sleep against her with all of my sisters and brothers, her hair was even softer than newly grown silage, if she was here right now what would I tell her.. I started snoring and soon I was fast asleep...

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