《The scream》

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After a long day of dance the team decided it would be a great idea to have a sleepover in studio A since they hadn't had one since last year. The only problem is they need Emily's permission. They had a short conversation and decided that Richelle and Piper have the best chance of getting her to agree.

"Well wish us luck" Piper said standing up from next to her boyfriend. "good luck!" Amy said cheerfully to the two girls walking over to Emily's office.

Piper and Richelle approached the door and Richelle knocked a few times before Emily told them to come in. Piper twisted the door knob and they went into Emily's office.

"So what can I do for you two today?" She asked as she put a stack of papers on her desk in a neat pile "we were wondering if you would let the team have a sleepover in studio A since we don't have rehearsals tomorrow" Piper asked in a hopeful tone "I dont see why not but I have a few rules, 1 you break something you pay for it 2 make sure nobody gets hurt and 3 clean up after yourselves" "We promise we will follow you rules" Richelle told her "you better but anyway I'll leave the keys with you Richelle because I want to get home" Emily told them as she gathered her things.

Emily places a set of keys on Richelles palm as she walks out of her office. Once she was out of sight Piper and Richelle smiled and gave eachother a high five. "Let's go tell the team!" The brunette says.

They walk back into the studio and find the rest of their teammates standing in the middle of the room "we have the studio for the night!" Richelle said as she holds up the keys. Everyone was excited by this news especially Heath and Lily as it was their first A troupe sleepover.

2 hours later (8:30pm)

Richelle was waiting outside for everyone else to show up. She was growing more and more impatient by the minute,not only was it raining but in her eyes being on time was late so by her standards the rest of the team was pretty much a half an hour late. When it started to rain she let an annoyed sigh out as she pulled up the hood of her jacket.

She finally saw Piper and a Finn who were  running in the rain holding hands. "Finally some people show up" Richelle huffed. "Chill out we are literally five minutes late and that's only because it's raining so traffics backed up" Finn explained "whatever at least you two are here".

Richelle unlocked the doors and the team followed behind her as they walked upstairs into the studio. Some people went to set up sleeping bags where as some people went to get dry clothes from there lockers as they were soaking wet from standing in the rain.

"Lils theres an extra hoodie in my locker if you want it" Kingston says as he opens his locker "oh thanks I'm freezing". He took the hoodie out of his locker and passes it to Lily who takes her drenched sweater off and puts his hoodie on.

Henry and Amy got sent downstairs to get hot chocolates before the next steep closed. Henry ordered 11 hot chocolates and they were all finally ready. "This is going to be so fun!" Amy says as she grabs one of the trays of hot chocolates "I know I'm really excited" Henry said as he picked up the two other trays. "We should play truth or dare later tonight!" Amy says as the idea comes to her "yes we definitely need to do that!". The couple walks back up to the studio and everyone thanks them for the hot chocolate as they take one.

Everyone was having a great time, Goofing around and chatting about random things. But People were starting to get a little bored of just talking. "Guys! Why don't we play truth or dare" Amy suggests "Oo ya!" Kenzie says excitedly. Everyone else quickly agrees.

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