《The call》

254 13 11

Sorry for the long wait on this chapter but I hope you enjoy it!

Summers pov:
"Summer...." a raspy voice says
"y-yes who is this?"
"Well whos voice do you think Piper heard, who do you think cut her arm. Tell your friends if they don't chose they will face much worse consequences then what happened to her, tell them now!", I pull the phone away from my ear "Summer are you alright?" Richelle asks. I explain what I heard on the phone.

"Ask who it is!" Ozzy orders, I put the phone back up to my ear "who is this!"
"Well you see that's one question I cant answer but I do have one for you, Truth.. or.. dare". I don't feel like risking my life today so I spit out the word truth "do you still have feelings for your ex boyfriend?" "No! I can't" I shout the line goes dead. "Summer? What's wrong?" Kenzie asks as she walks over to me "I can't answer-"

My neck tightens I feel my throat start to get smaller. I can't BREATH. I scratch at my neck desperate for the sweet relief of air but nothing comes, I have to tell the truth. "I still have feelings for Henry!" I barley get out, it probably sounds more of a shriek for help then a sentence but as I say that my neck relives the tension and I let out a deep breath "Summer are you okay!!" Lily shouts "well I can breath again but something tells me this night is only going to get worse and worse".

"wait summer what did you say?" Amy asks "nothing don't worry about it, I um I need to be alone" I say still catching my breath "Summer you shouldn't be alone what if something else-"
I cut Heath off by saying "I've had my turn, now everyone else except Piper should be worried about themselves". I quickly walk out of the room, when I pass Henry he has a blank face. Oh no did he hear me?, he couldn't have.

I find myself sitting on the soft blue couch in the locker room. I feel the pit in my stomach grow and the tears fall slowly. I pull my knees into my chest and allow my self 3 minutes to breakdown. I'm so embarrassed! what if someone heard what I said.

I see the figure appear out of the corner of my eye. "Hey summer.. can I sit?" He asks in a low voice "sure" I said with a voice still raw from the crying I allowed myself. Henry was to the other side of the couch and places him self next to me. "Summer-" "you heard me didn't you" I say cutting him off before he really starts "Ya I did-" "Henry I need you too understand I don't want to be with you but I can't help the way I feel, I can't just get rid of the feelings I have for you and I won't be apologizing for it" I explain desperate for this conversation to end, Henry puts a sad smile on his face "I don't regret a second of what we had and I know a lot about not being able to control how you feel for someone" he says with sympathy in his voice "I think you and Amy are meant to be" I say trying to raise the spirits of this moment "so do I and Summer I know one day you'll find the perfect guy"

He gives me a hug, not like the hugs he used to give me when we were dating,no this one feels more meaningful it signals that we can move on from our pasts. He released his grip on me and goes to stand up. "Henry" I say "ya?"
"I want us to be friends again if you think that's too weird I understand but having you as a friend would mean a lot to me" "I'd like that I miss having you as a friend".

A small smile appears on my face, Henry smiles too as he walks out of the locker room. I notice my neck is aching strange it wasn't hurting even a little before, I stand up and walk over to the full length mirror. A gleaming purple and blue bruise stretches along the side of my neck. This isn't good, there was no bruise before In fact after I answered there wasn't any pain just me struggling to catch my breath..

What if Pipers gotten worse too! I take off running. I see that everyone seems to be on edge, trying to understand what is going on tonight.

All eyes fall onto me when I run through the door of studio but I ignore that and run over to Piper. She has her head on Finns shoulder as he holds the sweatshirt tightly around her arm "Piper let me see your arm" I say slightly out of breath "wait why?" She questions "because this just showed up on my neck", I turn my head so she can see my neck "if your arm is getting worse we need to know" I say sitting next to her on the bench. Finn has a look on his face that I read as, this is stupid she could bleed out at any second. "Finn it's okay" Piper whispers in his ear except not quietly enough as I still hear her.

He hesitated first but he does remove the sweatshirt and the wound isn't worse but it definitely isn't better "Hey let me look at that" Richelle calls from the other end of the room. all three of us share a confused look "my mums a general surgeon, I practically grew up in a hospital"

Richelles pov:
"my mums a general surgeon, I practically grew up in a hospital" I explain as I walk over to them. More than that my grandma was a neru surgeon my uncle is an ortho surgeon and I intend on being a cardio surgeon so ya I know a lot about anatomy.

I kneel down infront of Piper and she holds out her arm "I'll clean it and then I want Finn to take you to the hospital to get stitches you'll probably need around 15-20" I say as I look over the wound that pools with thick red blood "wait no" Summer says "I'm sorry what did you say?" I ask in a defensive tone "Finn can't take her to the hospital, what if he has his turn how can he explain why he's talking to himself or being choked out of thin air, So no Finn isn't taking Piper to the hospital we can't risk it" Summer explains "she does have a point" I mutter "I'll take Piper to the hospital" Summer says "okay".

Pipers pov:
Growing up with James means you got sent to the hospital, a lot so getting stitches isn't what I'm afraid of it's what the hell is happening. Like seriously I'm hearing voices and getting my arm split open and Summers getting strangled. If anyone finds out about this we are all going to the coo coo's nest.

"Finn I need you to go find the janitors closet get me paper towels and rubbing alcohol, if we leave it like this she has a higher chance of infection after stitches" Richelle says in a calm voice, she really is a natural born surgeon "Now!" Richelle shouts. I've never see Finn run so fast in my life "Summer go see if there's a first aid kit in Emily's office" "on it!". "Gosh why didn't I think to clean your arm sooner or even just check it, I'm sorry Piper",
Woah woah woah, did Richelle just apologize?! "Oh Richelle it's really fine, it's not like I died"

Just as Finn comes back heaths phone goes off.
"Guys it's a text from an unknown number, what do I do?" He says as he starts to panic "open it dummie" Ozzy says.

Heaths pov:
I unlock my phone and open my messages.

~who is this

Oh hell no! if I pick truth this thing will make me say that I'm dating izzy!

~you think your clever don't you? I dare you to tell Oswald your dating Isabella

"Ozzy I need you to come with me" I say fighting to sound calm "before I go, who texted you?" "It was that thing but  I have to tell you something now before I start dying" "okay bro relax, let's go to the locker room"

We walk into the locker room and stand by the lockers "so what did you have to tell me?" He asks "I'm in a relationship with Izzy" "your what?!" Ozzy shouts "me and Izzy have been dating for 2 months now, I wanted to tell you but she said it would only create drama bro I-"
"I can support this relationship as you do seem to make izzy happy but if you ever do anything to hurt her in anyway I will break you like a twig Heathcliff, do we have an understanding?" He says in a serious tone "yes, yes we do" "I guess I'm glad you told me instead of dying".

I think that was the closest to him saying he approves of our relationship. "Also if I ever see you two kissing, I would start running" Ozzy says hitting me on the back as he walks out.

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